Miami Property Damage Attorney


Miami Property Damage Attorneys

If your home has been damaged or destroyed by a hurricane or any other type of disaster in Miami, and your insurance provider is giving you the runaround, the seasoned attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will fight for you. We strive to protect the value of your home and ensure you receive proper reimbursement for damages caused by covered perils. Hiring one of the skilled and aggressive property damage attorneys at our Miami law firm may increase your claim’s chance of success.

Common Types of Property Damage

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What Kind of Compensation Can I Win for My Property Damage Claim?

Your compensation should include the cost to repair or replace your property, including structural repairs, fixing damaged electrical and plumbing systems, replacing personal belongings and restoring the property to its pre-damaged condition.

If the property is damaged to such a degree that it becomes inhabitable, you should also be owed additional living expenses as part of your compensation, such as the costs of temporary living, food and supplies.

Why Having an Attorney Can Be Beneficial When Filing a Property Damage Claim

Insurance companies, especially the home insurance providers still operating in Florida, are not charities. They’re profit-driven businesses, which means they don’t always act in your best interests.

In Florida, where hurricanes and storm damage claims are frequent occurrences, home insurers often work hard to protect their bottom line and spend as little money as they can on repairing or replacing the property of clients.

This often results in filers being offered a minimal settlement that doesn’t come close to covering the damages in hopes that you’re in dire straits financially and are compelled to accept it. Insurance companies may also try to diminish the value of your claim, from undervaluing your losses to placing the blame on your shoulders so that they don’t have to pay you.

Florida bars insurance companies from acting in bad faith when handling claims, such as unreasonably denying your claim, delaying their claim decision or canceling the applicable policy without notice.

However, your provider may still use tricks to avoid upholding their end of your agreement. At Kanner & Pintaluga, our attorneys will hold the insurer accountable. We’ll negotiate on your behalf to ensure your rights are recognized and help you obtain the compensation you’re entitled to.

hurricane ian claims adjuster for property damage

How to File My Property Damage Claim

Contact your insurance agent or company representative to initiate the claim process. Provide them with all the necessary details about the damage and any supporting documentation, including photos or videos, an itemized list of affected items and all communications between you and the insurance company, contractors and public adjusters.

Once you have filed your claim, the insurance company will assign an adjuster to assess the damage and determine the settlement amount. Cooperate with the adjuster, provide them with all requested documentation and answer any questions they may have.

Try to keep repairs to a minimum before they arrive so that you can show them tangible proof of the damage. However, there are some situations where a homeowner might need to make some immediate, temporary repairs to prevent any further damage to the property. If this applies to you, be sure to keep records and receipts of any expenses incurred as evidence of the remedied damage’s existence and for future reimbursement of those costs.

Level the Playing Field With Your Insurer By Hiring an Experienced Miami Property Damage Attorney

It’s easy to feel intimidated when you’re up against insurance companies. In comparison to the extensive legal and financial resources at their disposal, your own resources can seem limited. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ve helped thousands of Florida homeowners face off against their insurance providers and will do the same for you. We’ll fight for your rights – whether through negotiation or litigation – and seek maximum compensation that covers the costs of repairs, rebuilding or relocating.

Llamar (800) 586-5555 to schedule a free case consultation with one of our attorneys today.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Miami Location


5201 Laguna Azul Drive, Suite 800
Miami, Florida 33126


 (800) 586-5555

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