Miami Cruise & Boat Accident Attorney


Miami Cruise & Boat Accident Attorneys

As a beautiful beachside city, it’s easy to see why Miami is a popular docking spot for boats and cruise lines. Unfortunately, this popularity has also led to South Florida having the highest boating accident numbers in the country. More specifically, Miami-Dade is the most dangerous county for boat operators and occupants, with 712 boating accidents in 2022 alone that resulted in the deaths of 66 people.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a cruise or boat accident, the personal injury attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will provide you with the representation you deserve.

Types of Boating Accidents

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Types of Cruise Accidents

How Will Maritime Law Affect My Case?

Maritime law is a specific set of rules that combine federal laws and international conventions. It is applied to injuries that occur on international waters. For instance, under maritime law, boat operators are required to immediately report an accident to law enforcement if it involves a severe injury, death, disappearance or property damage exceeding $2,000.

These rules play a vital role in boat and cruise accident cases, as they influence key components of your claim, such as the statute of limitations. Under maritime law, cruise ship passengers have six months to notify the cruise line and one year to file their claims for damages or else forfeit their right to pursue a claim.

Additionally, maritime law allows injured parties to pursue compensation in their claims that include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering and other losses. Our Miami boat and cruise accident attorneys have a thorough understanding of these rules and will help guide your case through the legal system without hindrance.

boating accidents in Florida

What Should I Do Immediately After Getting in a Boat or Cruise Accident?

Get Help From a National Firm That’s Secured Over $1 Billion in Recovered Settlements for Clients

At Kanner & Pintaluga, our attorneys will help you build a compelling case with robust evidence, including surveillance footage, maintenance records and witness testimony. You and your family can feel secure knowing that the dedicated and aggressive attorneys at our Miami firm are on your side and will fight to maximize your compensation. For a free case consultation with a boat and cruise accident attorney, call (800) 586-5555 today.


Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Miami Location


5201 Laguna Azul Drive, Suite 800
Miami, Florida 33126


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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