Miami Slip & Fall Attorney


Miami Slip and Fall Attorneys

There’s an often unfair generalization that people who pursue premises liability claims for things like slip and fall injuries are just looking for a payday. The fact is these injuries can result in full or partial disability, long recovery periods and potentially a drastic reduction in your long-term earning potential. It is of vital interest to you and your family’s livelihood that you receive maximum recovery if you’ve been injured on someone else’s property.

Even falling the wrong way can result in substantial damage to your head and spinal cord that can permanently affect your ability to walk – all because the property owner neglected to uphold their responsibilities. Even healthy people can sustain serious premises liability injuries due to:

If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident due to someone else’s property being improperly managed, the attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will work hard to help you secure the settlement you deserve.

How To Prove My Slip and Fall Case

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Where Do Slip and Fall Accidents Usually Occur?

Why Should I Hire an Attorney for My Slip and Fall Case?

An attorney can help you navigate the complicated legal hurdles you could face as you pursue your claim. Establishing who is responsible for the accident can be difficult, especially if multiple parties are involved. If property owners, tenants or maintenance companies all contributed to your case, it will take a lot of effort to provide thorough evidence to back up your claim.

By hiring an attorney, you can also receive expert assistance as you collect evidence, which isn’t always a straightforward process. Essential surveillance footage can get erased, and witnesses can be difficult to locate or have a hard time remembering details. Delays in receiving medical treatment can also negatively impact your claim, as the records may not represent the full picture of your injuries.

On top of that, insurance companies may try to mitigate their responsibility by downplaying the nature of your injuries to protect their bottom line. If you have a pre-existing condition, they may use that to challenge the severity of your injuries, arguing that your ongoing pain is not related to your slip and fall accident.

bodily injury to the ankle

Hire a Miami Slip and Fall Attorney Who Will Fight for the Best Claim Result

Regardless of your case’s circumstances and whatever obstacles you’re facing, the premises liability attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will work hard to maximize your case’s chances of success. The skilled lawyers at our Miami firm are ready to give your case the attention it deserves and will ensure your claim is taken seriously by the opposing party and their insurance provider. Call (800) 586-5555 today to schedule a free case consultation with one of our experienced slip and fall accident attorneys.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Miami Location


5201 Laguna Azul Drive, Suite 800
Miami, Florida 33126


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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