Miami Dog Bite Attorney


Dog Bite Accident Attorneys in Miami

Dog bites are a serious matter that can have long-lasting physical and emotional consequences. The issue is particularly pervasive in Miami-Dade County, which is ranked 15th in the country for having the most dog bite accidents. Dog bites also seem to be on the rise, with an 11 percent increase from the first half of 2022, when there were 974 bite injuries, to 1,080 incidents in the first half of 2023.

Victims of dog bites suffer substantial injuries, including:

Why Do Dogs Bite People?

In most cases, the onus lies on irresponsible dog owners. They may fail to properly train, socialize and supervise their dogs or neglect to keep their dog on a leash. The latter is an especially prevalent problem in Florida, as approximately one-third of all dog bites in the state were due to dogs being off their owner’s property and off-leash.

A poorly trained dog can feel more scared, becoming easily territorial and defensive if someone gets in their space. A dog may also become violent if they are sick. Experiencing immense discomfort can cause them to become progressively irritable and consequently more aggressive toward others.

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Evidence You Need for Your Dog Bite Case

The defense may try to prove that you provoked the dog, invoking a comparative negligence defense against your claim. Even if the provocation was unintentional, a well-meaning person could inadvertently provoke an anxious dog. A skilled attorney will collect straightforward evidence – including witness statements and video footage if possible – to show you didn’t provoke the dog and thus deserve compensation for your injuries.

In Florida, a dog owner can be held liable for their dog biting someone as long as it can be proven that they own the dog or the dog was in their direct care and the dog bit the victim. Your attorney will help you prove these points by gathering:


Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Bite Cases

No, Florida doesn’t have a one-bite law. The state operates under a strict liability law; instead of offering dog owners immunity for the first time their dog bites someone as long as the dog didn’t show aggressive tendencies beforehand, Florida will hold owners accountable regardless of the circumstances.

On top of that, Florida also has laws regarding “dangerous” dogs—dogs that have attacked humans or other animals before or exhibited dangerous behavior such as biting or attacking others. Owners are required to properly train and socialize their dogs to prevent them from hurting others or else be held criminally liable. If they don’t, they could face fines or potentially aggravated assault charges with up to a five-year sentence in some cases.

Yes – since many homeowner’s insurance policies include liability coverage, the dog owner’s insurance will most likely be able to provide compensation for your injuries.

We’ll Fight for The Compensation You Deserve With Aggressive Representation

Dog owners and their insurance companies will work hard to devalue your claim and argue it was your fault you were bitten. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll work harder to advocate for your interests and ensure your case is given proper attention. The trial attorneys at our Miami firm are ready to take your case to court if necessary.

To schedule a free case consultation with an experienced attorney, call 888.283.3831 today.

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Miami Location


5201 Laguna Azul Drive, Suite 800
Miami, Florida 33126


 (800) 586-5555

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