Miami Wrongful Death Attorney


Wrongful Death Attorneys in Miami

Losing a loved one is already a painful ordeal, but it can be especially difficult when that tragedy could have been avoided were it not for someone else’s negligence. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll thoroughly investigate the details surrounding your loved one’s wrongful death and aggressively pursue a claim that clearly establishes what caused their death and the totality of the impact their passing has had on you and your family. The attorneys at our Miami personal injury firm are ready to fight for proper compensation that helps keep you and your loved ones afloat during this challenging time.

Common Causes of Wrongful Death

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Who Is Eligible to Pursue a Wrongful Death Claim for the Deceased?

El personal representative named in the deceased’s will can pursue a wrongful death claim on behalf of the surviving family members. Most often, the role will be given to their surviving spouse or children, but other relatives may also be eligible if they were partially or wholly dependent on the deceased financially. If the person who died didn’t give anyone that title or didn’t have a will, the court will appoint a representative for them.

Types of Compensation You Can Recover for Wrongful Death Cases

Compensation in wrongful death claims is determined on a case-by-case basis and depends on the deceased person’s income, age, earning potential, whether they had dependents and how much those dependents relied on their income for support, the nature of the incident and the degree of the surviving family members’ emotional losses.

In a successful wrongful death claim, the family will receive various forms of compensation. They’ll be reimbursed for financial losses resulting from the individual’s death, such as medical expenses, funeral costs, loss of income and loss of their family’s future financial support, as well as non-economic damages – including pain and suffering, loss of companionship, emotional distress and loss of guidance and support.

Punitive damages may also be awarded to punish the responsible party if their actions were malicious or are deemed to be gross negligence. Punitive damages should not be confused with criminal charges and are only available in civil cases, not criminal cases.

In certain situations, the responsible party of a wrongful death case could face criminal charges, such as manslaughter or murder, which will be an entirely separate legal proceeding.


Our Miami Wrongful Death Attorneys Will Defend Your Rights

By seeking the guidance of an experienced and attentive attorney at Kanner & Pintaluga, you can improve your chances of maximizing your claim’s compensation. The team at our Miami wrongful death law firm has trial experience and is not afraid to advocate for your interests in court if necessary. To schedule a free case consultation with one of our wrongful death attorneys, call (800) 586-5555 today.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Miami Location


5201 Laguna Azul Drive, Suite 800
Miami, Florida 33126


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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