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Cualquier lesión cerebral o de médula espinal puede significar consecuencias graves y a largo plazo para las víctimas y sus familias. Después de un accidente, debe buscar asistencia legal con uno de nuestros abogados experimentados lo antes posible para asegurarse de recibir el tratamiento médico adecuado y de tener a alguien que defienda y proteja sus derechos. Kanner y Pintaluga se enfoca en ayudar a nuestros clientes a obtener la asistencia financiera que necesitan después de un accidente
Nuestros abogados entienden que una lesión de la médula espinal cambia completamente la vida de la víctima y, muchas veces, la de quienes la cuidan. Los costos médicos aparentemente insuperables surgen de la parálisis y, a menudo, son extremadamente difíciles de medir y calcular para el futuro. La atención médica continua y el tratamiento especializado casi siempre influyen en las reclamaciones por lesiones de la médula espinal. Al representar a víctimas de lesiones de la médula espinal, nuestros abogados tienen en cuenta y comprenden que las tecnologías adaptativas y médicas siempre están evolucionando.
La lesión cerebral traumática es causada por una fuerza inesperada o contundente en la cabeza, como un objeto que penetra el cráneo e impacta el cerebro, o la cabeza impacta con algún objeto. Al representar a clientes en esta área, nuestros abogados enfatizan la importancia de obtener una compensación a largo plazo por lesión cerebral traumática. Para que las víctimas se recuperen significativamente en muchos casos, este tipo de accidentes con lesiones pueden requerir tratamientos continuos, cirugía, terapia del habla, fisioterapia, terapia psiquiátrica, terapia ocupacional y otros servicios de rehabilitación médica en un intento de lograr la máxima recuperación. Nuestros abogados con experiencia en lesiones cerebrales lo ayudarán a recibir una compensación monetaria por todos los gastos relacionados con lesiones cerebrales.
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Las lesiones en la cabeza, el cuello, la columna y el cerebro pueden causar déficits cognitivos importantes, dejando a muchas víctimas incapaces de cuidar de sí mismas, hablar o incluso seguir trabajando. En particular, las lesiones de la columna pueden provocar algún tipo de parálisis, como paraplejia o cuadriplejia. Estas son condiciones extremadamente graves que a menudo requieren años de atención médica futura junto con el costo anticipado de la atención. Nuestros abogados tienen la experiencia necesaria para calcular el costo total de la lesión, incluidos escenarios para atención médica futura. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con nuestros abogados con experiencia en lesiones en la cabeza.
There are all types of spinal cord injuries, and not all of them will result in immediate paralysis. Other common symptoms of spinal cord injuries include:
There are certain types of back injuries that won’t immediately manifest. Internal injuries like bleeding or swelling may put pressure on the spinal cord and cause some of these symptoms to manifests in the hours after an accident. Don’t ignore the warning signs of spinal cord injuries – seek medical attention immediately.
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and spinal cord injuries are considered to be types of catastrophic injuries. A catastrophic injury is any injury that has permanent consequences. Those consequences don’t necessarily have to be a disability, although that’s what the permanent consequence is in most cases of traumatic head or spine injuries.
For example, if you were involved in a car crash and suffered severe third-degree burns, your permanent scarring will count as a catastrophic injury. It is something you’ll be forced to cope with for the rest of your life, even though it’s not strictly a disability.
Data, experience and input from medical professionals are vital when calculating appropriate damages in cases of TBI or spine injuries. Calculating your current medical costs up to the point your claim is filed is important, including any life-saving surgeries, hospital stays, lost wages and other expenses you’ve incurred. The other vital calculation is an estimation of your future medical costs. The claim payment, verdict or settlement you receive from your case will need to support you and your family for the duration of your life if you’ve suffered a permanent disability due to a traumatic brain or spine injury. The costs can easily run into seven figures, which is why these cases can get particularly contentious.
Various types of doctors and medical professionals can testify to the standard of care for conditions like yours and what that will cost. Other ancillary costs should also be added, like home modifications (adding a stair lift or widening doorways) or purchasing specialized vehicles.
There is a huge array of expenses that may become necessary in the future years, and it’s important to think of them while you’re still negotiating your claim. Florida lawyers who have represented many traumatic brain injury and spine injury victims in the past understand what those costs are and can help ensure nothing gets missed in your case.
Some symptoms of comparatively minor brain injuries can be extremely worrisome. You should always seek medical care if you or a family member suffers a head injury and experiences:
The good news is those are the symptoms of a fairly mild brain injury. Potentially severe brain injury symptoms include things like:
Any person who is exhibiting those symptoms after experiencing a head injury needs to receive emergency medical treatment. Fast intervention may be the difference between a temporary injury and permanent damage.
In some cases, yes, there may be effective treatments for spinal cord or brain injuries that allow you or your loved one to recover fully or partially. Treatments for TBI and spine injuries can be invasive, painful and costly. Patients may require multiple surgeries, all of which could have lengthy recovery periods. You may not be able to work during this time, and your loved ones may need to take time away from work in order to help you, compounding the loss of household income.
The medical care required to treat spine or brain injuries is almost never affordable. That’s why seeking full and fair compensation from the at fault party is so vital to the future livelihood of you and your family.