Tallahassee Wrongful Death Attorney


Wrongful Death Attorneys in Tallahassee

The pain of losing a loved one is only made worse when it’s solely the fault of someone else’s negligence or egregious misconduct. It’s painful to lose a loved one, especially when their death could’ve been avoided. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll hold whoever’s responsible for your loved one’s wrongful death accountable and increase your chances of securing proper compensation.

Types of Wrongful Death Claims

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What Is a Personal Representative and Who Can Pursue a Wrongful Death Claim?

A personal representative is an individual the deceased has named in their will who has the right to take action on their behalf by filing a wrongful death claim for the benefit of their surviving loved ones and others who were wholly or partially dependent on them financially. In most cases, the personal representative will be the decedent’s spouse or children, though other relatives can be eligible. In cases where the decedent didn’t assign anyone this role or didn’t have a will, a Florida probate court will appoint an executor for them.

Will a Criminal Case Affect My Wrongful Death Claim?

No. You can pursue a wrongful death claim and potentially punitive damages regardless of the criminal proceedings’ end result. Most of the time, you’ll only be involved in a criminal case if your testimony is needed. However, in certain cases, a successful criminal case can positively impact your civil case, but this may not be true for yours specifically. Our attorneys will evaluate your case and give you grounded and honest expectations while finding avenues to maximize your compensation.


Process of Recovering From a Loved One's Wrongful Death

The first step is to consult with a personal injury attorney well-versed in wrongful death cases. Your attorney will assess your case’s details and gather evidence to establish the liability of the responsible party or parties.

Our attorneys will then aggressively negotiate the best possible settlement agreement. If a fair settlement agreement can’t be reached, we’re not afraid to take the at-fault party to court and advocate for your claim before a jury.

If the court rules in your favor, a judgment will be issued, and the compensation amount will be determined. This typically covers quantifiable damages (such as medical expenses, funeral costs, loss of income and prospective inheritance, etc.) and non-quantifiable damages, including loss of companionship, loss of guidance and emotional distress.

Although the legal process can help you and your loved ones recover financially and provide some degree of closure, emotional healing and support are equally vital and require equally sufficient compensation, which the zealous attorneys at our Tallahassee wrongful death law firm will fight for.

Hire a Dedicated Attorney From a National Network That Has Helped Clients Recover Over $1 Billion in Settlements

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll utilize the full extent of our experience and expertise to help you and your family obtain the compensation you need during a challenging time. We’ll navigate the complicated and frustrating legal process on your behalf so you can focus on healing.

Llamar 888.283.3831 today to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our wrongful death attorneys.


Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Tallahassee Location


113 sur de la calle Monroe, 1calle Piso
Tallahassee, Florida 32301


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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