Tallahassee Car Accident Attorney


Auto Accident Lawyers in Tallahassee

From our large and growing populace to the never-ending tourists, no matter where you go in Florida, the streets are always packed – and as the state’s capital, Tallahassee is no exception. Unfortunately, with that torrent of activity also comes a high prevalence of car accidents. This is one of the reasons Florida is consistently ranked one of the most dangerous states for drivers in the country. In 2020 alone, the Tallahassee Police Department reported 6,322 accidents and 22 fatalities from car accidents.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident due to another driver’s negligent behavior, the attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will aggressively pursue compensation that fully covers the damages.

Types of Vehicle Accidents

Can I Still Pursue a Claim If I’m in a Single-Vehicle Accident?

It depends. Because only one driver is involved and there’s typically no other party who is at fault, most drivers aren’t eligible to pursue a personal injury claim. However, in some circumstances, they may be able to file a claim against a third party if the crash was partially due to defective parts or poor road maintenance.

Who Is Usually at Fault in a Vehicle Accident?  

Florida insurance doesn’t always factor fault into accidents. Instead, the state uses a no-fault insurance system, meaning each party’s insurance provider will need to compensate them for medical bills and lost wages, even if the other party is clearly at fault. That said, you can pursue a personal injury claim against the other driver for other quantifiable damages, including property damage and pain and suffering. To recover the necessary compensation, you can prove that their negligence or reckless behavior caused the accident to occur, which our skilled attorneys can help with.

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How to Strengthen Your Claim

Your personal injury claim depends on establishing negligence or egregious and reckless behavior, such as if the other driver engaged in distracted driving, speeding, running red lights or drunk driving. The auto accident attorneys at our Tallahassee firm will help you establish the other party’s negligence by gathering evidence and building a strong case so you receive the compensation you deserve.

We’ll ensure no detail goes overlooked, collecting police reports, witness statements, surveillance footage (if available) and photos/videos to capture the incident in question. Our attorneys will also document medical bills, pay stubs that show lost wages, therapy invoices and property damage bills to show the full extent of the monetary damages you’ve incurred. You can trust our lawyers will work tirelessly to maximize your case’s chances of success.

Why Are Insurance Companies Not on Your Side After a Vehicle Accident?

Many find that filing a claim for additional damages is vital to their physical and financial recovery, as relying solely on their insurance provider for compensation often isn’t a viable option. Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance covers up to 60 percent of lost wages and 80 percent of medical bills up to your PIP limit, which is often only $10,000. Once you hit your limit, you’re on your own, even though this typically only provides partial compensation if you suffered severe injuries.

What’s more, PIP doesn’t take pain and suffering into account when providing compensation, depriving victims of the proper help they need to recover from the substantial mental trauma an accident can induce. As a result, most injured drivers or passengers’ only option to obtain the compensation they need is to file a claim against the other driver’s liability coverage (if they have it).

On top of these strict limitations, the other driver’s insurance company will fight tooth and nail to avoid compensating you, either by minimizing your injuries or by pressuring you to accept an insufficient settlement offer. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll even the playing field and ensure you’re being treated fairly by big insurance companies. The attorneys at our Tallahassee office will evaluate any offers made for you and defend your rights.

Get Zealous Legal Representation on Your Side During a Challenging Time

At Kanner & Pintaluga, the experienced attorneys at our Tallahassee office are ready to advocate for your interests, whether through negotiations or litigation. We have the trial experience to support you in court if necessary, navigating the legal system and fighting for the compensation you deserve while you focus on recovering from your injuries.

Llamar 888.283.3831 to talk one-on-one with a professional auto accident attorney.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Tallahassee Location


113 sur de la calle Monroe, 1calle Piso
Tallahassee, Florida 32301


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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