Tallahassee Property Damage Attorney


Tallahassee Property Damage Attorneys

Statistically, Tallahassee experiences a major tropical storm every three to four years and a hurricane every eight years. This means many residents are painfully familiar with the feeling of finally fixing their home after a storm only to have it severely damaged in the next one that hits all too soon.

In the aftermath of these massive storms, insurance companies are inundated with Tallahassee property damage claims, which can make getting your claim properly investigated and fairly paid difficult.

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll make sure your voice is heard and your rights as a policyholder are respected. The attorneys at our Tallahassee property damage law firm will defend you against your insurance company’s attempts to spend as little money as possible, whether they’re undervaluing your damages, improperly claiming your damage is excluded or alleging poor maintenance was to blame.

We have years of experience negotiating and litigating with insurance companies over improper property claim treatment. Whether your home is damaged from a storm, burst pipes, an electrical fire or vandalism, we will ensure your claim is given the attention it deserves.

Types of Compensation You Can Receive for Property Damage Claims

High-Value Personal Property Claims

Although your expensive valuables that are destroyed or stolen should be covered by your insurance provider, it’s not uncommon for these claims to be disputed. They may challenge your ownership of allegedly destroyed property, depreciate the property’s value or otherwise lowball replacement costs.

To get the most out of your claim, make a list of all your valuables – jewelry, artwork, antiques, etc. – for reference and hold onto all proofs of purchase and possession so you can establish their worth in your claim. Never throw away damaged property before it has been properly photographed or filmed, or until it has been inspected and documented by an adjuster.

If necessary, the attorneys at our Tallahassee property damage firm will fiercely negotiate for a fair compensation agreement with your insurance provider that accurately reflects the true value of your property.

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What If My Property Damages Was Caused by a Construction Defect?

Sometimes, your home isn’t damaged from a sudden external threat like a hurricane but an internal one that was caused by another party, such as an internal construction defect. If you and your family are forced to relocate due to a design flaw or construction mistakes made by plumbers, electricians or other contractors, you can still file a claim with your insurance provider.

Although your insurer may try to dispute their liability and argue that you should pursue compensation from the contractor or construction company responsible, you aren’t barred from taking action against both your own insurance and the contractor.

While the business involved in construction is liable, your insurance company should still use their resources to help you recoup your losses. Their payment can be vital if the at-fault entity doesn’t have enough funds to properly compensate you or the liable contractor is acting fraudulently.

We’ll help you gather the evidence you need to strengthen your claim’s chances of success and maximize your possible compensation.

What If My Insurer Is Being Unreasonable?

Bad faith occurs when your insurance company refuses to acknowledge your rights as a policyholder or even actively defies them. Examples can include canceling the relevant policy without notice or delaying their verdict to such an extreme degree that you’re forced to give up on it. Acting in bad faith is illegal in Florida. Our attorneys will defend you in negotiations and litigation if necessary to hold your insurer accountable and secure the compensation you’re owed. We understand the intricacies of bad faith claims and are ready to take your insurance provider to court if necessary.

unethical tricks by insurance adjusters

Hire a Zealous and Experienced Attorney Who Will Support You Through Every Step of the Claims Process

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll take the tiresome legal battle off your shoulders and work hard to bolster your compensation so you can repair, rebuild or relocate with peace of mind. The attorneys at our Tallahassee property damage law firm will even the playing field with big insurance companies and fight to secure the best possible outcome for your claim.

Llamar 888.283.3831 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our attorneys today.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Tallahassee Location


113 sur de la calle Monroe, 1calle Piso
Tallahassee, Florida 32301


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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