Tallahassee Premises Liability Attorney


Tallahassee Premise Liability Attorneys

Property owners and managers who fail to maintain their premises put occupants and visitors alike in harm’s way. Tallahassee residents frequently suffer life-altering injuries due to all types of property owner negligence, and yet insurance providers routinely fight tooth and nail to deny proper compensation for injuries sustained in premises liability accidents. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll aggressively pursue justice on your behalf and work hard to maximize your potential compensation.

Common Causes of Premise Liability Accidents

How to Prove the Property Owner Was Liable in Your Claim

Because property owners and managers in Florida have a deber legal de diligencia to keep whoever is legally on their property safe, you need to establish in your claim that they failed to uphold that duty. It’s necessary to gather evidence showing they failed to rectify an existing hazard they knew or should have known about, given the age and obviousness of the danger. It’s also necessary to show this failure to act directly led to your injuries.

The attorneys at our Tallahassee premises liability law firm will help you gather thorough evidence to substantiate these points, from medical records and pay stubs showing lost wages to photographic evidence of hazards or notices of dangerous living conditions.

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Evidence You Need to Substantiate Your Claim

Getting medical attention promptly after the accident and preserving all records of the diagnosis, treatments and prescriptions is essential to your claim. Not only can they help establish that your injuries are real, but these records can also prove your injuries have significantly impacted your future, and as a result, necessitate fair and total compensation. Photos and videos of the scene of the incident, physical evidence (e.g., torn clothing) and witness testimony if anyone else was present at the time can also help increase your case’s chances of success.

To prove the property owner or manager’s egregious ignorance or denial of the offending hazard, our attorneys will help you collect relevant surveillance footage, maintenance records and similar complaints filed previously against them.

We have the resources and experience to help you build a strong case and fight for the settlement offer you deserve. If the property manager or owner is giving you a hard time about your requests for surveillance footage and maintenance records, we’ll hold them accountable as your aggressive legal representation.

Can I File a Claim if I Was Partially at Fault for the Accident?

In most cases, yes, although your compensation may be reduced as a result. Because Florida follows a comparative negligence system, if you were partially at fault, your compensation could be reduced based on your percentage of fault. However, if you’re deemed to be more than 50 percent responsible for the accident, you may be barred from seeking compensation from the property owner or manager.


Our Network of Attorneys Has Won Over $1 Billion in Recovered Settlements Nationwide

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll fiercely defend your right to total compensation so you can recover from your injuries without having to endure the stress of an extensive legal battle. The trial attorneys at our Tallahassee firm are ready to support you in negotiations and litigation to help you secure the best possible outcome for your claim. Call 888.283.3831 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our premise liability attorneys today.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Tallahassee Location


113 sur de la calle Monroe, 1calle Piso
Tallahassee, Florida 32301


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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