Tallahassee Bicycle & Pedestrian Accident Attorney


Bicycle & Pedestrian Accident Attorneys in Tallahassee

Motorists owe it to bicyclists and pedestrians to be careful and mindful on the road due to the sheer size and weight difference between vehicles and walkers or bikers. However, despite the devastating ramifications that can result from a collision, accidents involving bicyclists and pedestrians happen all too often in Florida. So much so that the state leads the country in both bicycle and pedestrian deaths; from 2010 to 2019, 5,893 pedestrians died in Florida auto accidents, while 185 bicycle accident fatalities occurred in 2021 alone.

If you or a loved one is injured in an accident due to a motorist’s negligence, the skilled accident attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will use their experience and aggressive negotiation skills to bolster your claim’s value and maximize your possible compensation.

Florida Laws That Can Affect Bicycle and Pedestrian Accident Cases

If it’s proven that the motorist caused the accident due to acting negligently, whether because they were drunk, driving while distracted or failed to yield, they will be found at fault. However, the same laws apply to the bicyclist or pedestrian involved. Because Florida treats bicycles as vehicles, bicyclists are required to follow the same rules as motorists. This means if they run a red light, ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol or fail to equip their bike with front and rear lights, they can be held fully or partially at fault for the accident, which can severely impact your possible compensation. The same applies to a pedestrian who jaywalked or otherwise crossed the street illegally.

Common Bicycle and Pedestrian Injuries

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Where Do Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents Most Commonly Occur in Tallahassee?

High-traffic areas, such as Monroe Street and Apalachee Parkway, attract a lot of pedestrian activity and thus have a higher risk for accidents, especially during rush hours. Many accidents occur at intersections, as pedestrians and cyclists are often overlooked by drivers despite having the right of way. There’s also a high risk in residential neighborhoods due to the number of people walking on streets with limited sidewalks.

Reduced visibility during nighttime or in areas with inadequate lighting also dangerous for everyone on the road. However, if the insufficient lighting is due to city or property owner maintenance or safety failures, you may be able to file a separate claim against them. In general, improperly maintained roads and sidewalks and insufficient signage can elevate the risk of accidents for bicyclists and pedestrians. Because these fall under premise liability laws, if any of these elements contributed to your claim, we’ll help you pursue the claim against the property owner, manager and any other responsible parties to maximize your possible compensation.

Our Tallahassee Personal Injury Attorneys Will Work with Zealous Fervor on Your Behalf

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll take the labor-intensive work of building and pursuing your claim off your shoulders. The attorneys at our Tallahassee firm will file your claim promptly and gather evidence and witness testimony on your behalf to increase your case’s chances of success so you can receive total compensation for your injuries.

To schedule a free case consultation with an accident attorney who will work hard to secure the settlement offer you need, call 888.283.3831 today.

Florida car insurance covers bike accidents

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Tallahassee Location


113 sur de la calle Monroe, 1calle Piso
Tallahassee, Florida 32301


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa


Hire a Tallahassee Attorney Who’s Ready to Fight for You

Bicycle and pedestrian accidents are unfortunately common. If you find yourself injured in such an accident, we’ll fight tooth and nail to make it right. Call today for a free case consultation with experienced personal injury attorneys.

Call 800.586.5555



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Llame al 888.283.3831
