Hollywood, FL Wrongful Death Attorney


Wrongful Death Attorneys in Hollywood

Losing a loved one due to the negligent behavior of another person or company is one of the most painful experiences you can endure. These situations are made all the more overwhelming by the complicated legalities surrounding wrongful death claims.

The experienced attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga are here to support you through this challenging time. We’re ready to file your wrongful death claim promptly and fight for proper compensation on you and your loved ones’ behalf.

How Does Wrongful Death Usually Occur?

Who Is Liable in Wrongful Death Claims?

In certain circumstances, liability in a wrongful death case may extend beyond the negligent party. If their death resulted from a defective product, the manufacturer, distributor or retailer could be held accountable. People who die due to a medical error may be able to seek compensation from the doctors involved, the hospital that employs them and even the healthcare network. The experienced wrongful death attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga can help you determine who may be liable in your situation.

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Compensation Surviving Family Members Can Recover for Wrongful Death Claims

Economic Damages

Compensation for quantifiable losses, such as medical expenses, funeral and burial costs, loss of future financial support, loss of prospective inheritance and any other monetary losses resulting from the death.

Non-Economic Damages

Compensation for intangible damages related to the emotional and psychological impact of losing a loved one. This can include pain and suffering, loss of companionship, emotional distress, mental anguish and loss of guidance and support.

Punitive Damages

If the responsible party has demonstrated malicious misconduct or egregious negligence, punitive damages might be awarded to punish the defendant.

Who Is Eligible to Pursue a Wrongful Death Claim for the Deceased?

El personal representative of the deceased’s estate is usually named in the deceased’s will as the person responsible for pursuing the claim on behalf of the surviving family members. If they didn’t name anyone or didn’t have a will, the court will appoint a representative to carry out the estate’s duties.

In most cases, the representative is someone closely related to the deceased. The surviving spouse and children are usually the first options, but if the deceased had neither, the deceased’s parents may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim instead. Occasionally, other relatives who were partially or wholly dependent on the deceased for support or services may also be able to file a wrongful death claim.

wrongful death lawyers - Kanner and Pintaluga
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Florida Laws That Affect Wrongful Death Cases


Frequently Asked Questions About Wrongful Death Cases

A wrongful death claim is a civil action brought by the surviving family members to seek compensation for their losses, while a criminal case is a separate legal proceeding that involves the state prosecuting the responsible party for their actions. The plaintiff in a wrongful death claim will not be involved with the criminal case unless their testimony is requested.

While you are not legally required to have an attorney, having an experienced wrongful death attorney on your side can significantly increase your chances of obtaining just compensation while also providing guidance as you navigate the complicated legal landscape of wrongful death claims.

We’ll File Your Wrongful Death Claim Quickly and With a Compelling Backing of Evidence

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we will provide you and your family with aggressive and attentive representation. The skilled wrongful death attorneys at our Hollywood personal injury law firm will protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome for your case.

Let our skilled negotiators and litigators handle the complex legal proceedings so that you can focus on grieving with your loved ones. Call 888.283.3831 and schedule a free case consultation today.


Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Hollywood Location


5124 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, Florida 33021


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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