Hollywood, FL Head and Spine Injury Attorney


Head and Spine Injury Attorneys in Hollywood

A head and spinal injury can become a lifelong impairment that can change the course of your life. Unlike many types of personal injuries – which often involve broken bones and other temporary injuries that heal with time – damage to the head and spine are often categorized as catastrophic injuries. These are injuries that result in a permanent disability.

People who suffer cognitive decline or permanent disability often experience diminished earning capacity, require constant medical care and are forced to endure a reduced quality of life. People with head and spine injuries often also have higher long-term costs to cope with their new disability – from medical bills to home renovations – which can cause a great deal of stress and strain on your finances.

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we will help you pursue just compensation that covers the full extent of physical, financial and emotional damages you’ve had to endure. Our catastrophic injury attorneys will fight to augment your compensation so you can receive the best possible outcome for your claim.

Accidents That Can Result in Traumatic Head and Spine Injuries

Motor Vehicle Accidents

The speed and force generated during a collision can inflict severe trauma to the head and spine.

Accidentes por resbalones y caídas

Slipping on a wet floor and falling headfirst can cause serious brain damage. People may also fall on their backs or on sharp or hard objects that cause permanent spine damage.

Workplace Accidents

People working in particularly dangerous industries, such as construction or manufacturing, are often faced with dangerous conditions on a daily basis. They may fall from a great height, get struck by falling objects or get in a heavy machinery accident. These types of accidents pose a great risk of causing severe head and spinal trauma that can affect your earning capacity and quality of life.

Sports and Recreational Activities

People participating in contact sports like football or boxing – or even seemingly innocuous past-times like boating, biking and horseback riding – can suffer accidents that lead to substantial head and spine injuries.

Medical Negligence

Surgical errors, misdiagnoses, anesthesia mistakes or birth injuries have the potential to damage the head and spine.

Violence and Assault

All types of physical assaults and assaults with weapons have the potential to cause serious and permanent injuries to victims. Depending on the circumstances, victims may be able to pursue compensation from the aggressor in a civil personal injury case separate from any criminal charges. You may also be able to sue the property owner where the assault occurred for failing to provide adequate security to prevent assaults from occurring.

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Types of Compensation You and Your Family Can Recover for Head and Spine Injuries

Catastrophic Consequences of a Head and Spine Injury

  • Spinal fractures
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of motor function
  • Chronic pain
  • Decreased mobility
  • Inability to work in the same capacity
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Mood disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Hospitalization costs
  • Medical treatment
  • Rehabilitation and medication
  • Assistive devices
  • Ongoing care
  • Surgery
  • Brain disease diagnosis

    What If the Insurance Company Denies My Head and Spine Injury Claim?

    Insurance companies may try to argue that your injuries were pre-existing or caused by factors unrelated to the actions of their policyholder to avoid paying the compensation you’re owed. If your claim is denied, our skilled personal injury lawyers will evaluate their reasoning, bolster your claim with a strong backing of evidence and challenge the claim in court if necessary.

    Hire Experienced Attorneys Who Will Defend Your Right to Fair Compensation

    Receiving proper compensation for your head and spine injury is vital to prevent you from struggling financially with your new disability. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we will provide you with the aggressive legal representation you deserve. The attorneys at our Hollywood, FL, personal injury law firm will help you build a persuasive case by calculating the full extent of your present and future damages, gathering extensive evidence and negotiating for maximum compensation with insurance companies.

    We’re ready to take your case to court if necessary. Call 888.283.3831 today to discuss your case one-on-one with a skilled catastrophic injury attorney for free.


    Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


    Hollywood Location


    5124 Hollywood Blvd.
    Hollywood, Florida 33021


     (800) 586-5555

    * Disponible con cita previa



    Póngase en contacto con el estudio jurídico Kanner & Pintaluga para concertar una consulta gratuita, y permítanos brindarle a usted y su familia un servicio dedicado y obtener para usted la compensación que se merece.

    Llame al 888.283.3831
