Hollywood, FL Property Damage Attorney


Hollywood Property Damage Attorneys

Since Florida is a prime environment for storms and hurricanes, Hollywood locals are no strangers to property damage. Common causes of property damage in Hollywood, Florida include:

If your home has been damaged by any of the above causes, you should ideally be protected financially since this scenario is exactly why you’ve been paying homeowners insurance premiums all these years. However, despite your loyalty to them, insurance companies may be reticent to give you adequate compensation or fail to treat your claim fairly.

Your Insurance Company Might Not Be on Your Side

Ultimately, insurance companies have a conflict of interest between providing coverage and protecting their financial interests. Even though you are in a vulnerable position, insurance companies may attempt to minimize their liability, only offering meager settlements that don’t cover the cost of repairing the damage incurred. They might use various tactics to devalue your claim, such as downplaying the extent of damage, disputing causation, exploiting complicated policies, delaying your claim or undervaluing your losses.

It can be easy to feel intimidated by insurance companies when they have extensive legal and financial resources at their disposal. The experienced property damage attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will level the playing field with aggressive litigation and negotiation skills.

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What Are "Bad Faith" Insurance Practices?

Florida law prohibits insurance companies from acting in bad faith when handling property damage claims. If an insurance company unreasonably delays or denies a legitimate claim, fails to communicate with the policyholder or cancels the policy out of retaliation, an attorney can help you pursue legal action so you can hold the insurer accountable and obtain the compensation you’re owed.

Why Having an Attorney Can Protect You When Filing a Property Damage Claim

unethical tricks by insurance adjusters

We’ve Helped Our Clients Receive Over $1 Billion in Recovered Settlements and Will Work Hard to Give Your Case the Same Success

You deserve fair compensation that accurately reflects the damage to your home and the full extent of the costs to repair or move. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll protect and defend your rights during this difficult time. The skilled attorneys at our Hollywood property damage law firm will help you build a persuasive claim backed by strong and undeniable evidence, including:

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Hollywood Location


5124 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, Florida 33021


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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