Hollywood, FL Truck Accident Attorney


Truck Accident Attorneys in Hollywood

Because of the size and weight of their vehicles, truck drivers have a higher duty of care and responsibility on the road to avoid a collision that can result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident with a truck driver, Kanner & Pintaluga can aggressively pursue your claim, helping you receive just compensation as soon as possible.

Common Types of Truck Accidents

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What Can Cause a Truck Accident to Occur?

Common Types of Catastrophic Truck Accident Injuries

The attorneys at our Hollywood firm will help gather extensive evidence that will strengthen your claim, including company records and driver logs. We will work tirelessly to determine the party or parties responsible, whether they’re:

Our Attorneys Have Helped Clients Win More Than $1 Billion in Recovered Settlements

Filing a personal injury claim after a truck accident can be a disorienting process filled with intricate legal complexities. Corporate defendants, like truck drivers and the companies that employ them, can have a legal army behind them that can make it hard to receive what you’re owed.

The attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will level the playing field and help you navigate the complex legal landscape. We’ll litigate and negotiate with insurance companies to protect your rights and help you secure fair compensation that covers the full extent and cost of the damages you’ve endured. To schedule a free consultation with one of the experienced attorneys at our Hollywood firm, call 888.283.3831 today.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Hollywood Location


5124 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, Florida 33021


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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Llame al 888.283.3831
