Coral Gables Wrongful Death Attorney


Coral Gables Wrongful Death Attorneys

Wrongful death occurs when an individual’s life is prematurely cut short due to the negligence, recklessness or intentional actions of another party. Each case of wrongful death requires a thorough investigation and professional legal expertise to prove liability on the defendant’s part.

These cases can be extremely traumatic for families and often justify significant compensation for non-economic losses like pain and suffering and loss of consortium. Working with Coral Gables lawyers who are compassionate, thorough and effective trial attorneys can be beneficial in these scenarios.

Common Causes of Wrongful Death

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Compensación por muerte por negligencia

Nothing can truly make up for the loss of a loved one, but pursuing a wrongful death claim can help give your family financial stability and hold the responsible parties accountable. Florida allows the estate of the deceased (and by extension family members) to seek compensation for:

Consequences of Wrongful Death

Aside from the impact on the surviving family members, wrongful death can have severe consequences for the responsible parties, negatively affecting their reputation, business and personal lives.

If their behavior was especially egregious or even intentional, the responsible party of a wrongful death case could face criminal charges. Depending on the circumstances, they might be charged with manslaughter or murder.

It’s important to remember criminal charges are completely separate from civil wrongful death claims – the responsible party being charged won’t automatically help the victim win their civil claim. Similarly, the defendant can still be held accountable in a lawsuit even if they are not facing criminal charges or were acquitted.


Hire a Coral Gables Attorney Who Can Help You File a Wrongful Death Claim

The legal team at Kanner & Pintaluga has a wealth of experience handling wrongful death claims and will help you build a strong case so that you can pursue compensation for this irreparable wrong.

We’ll guide you through every step in the legal process. Our skilled legal team will help you gather evidence, identify responsible parties, calculate an appropriate compensation amount that encompasses the financial and emotional impact of the loss and negotiate for a fair settlement on your behalf with opposing counsel and insurance companies. The wrongful death lawyers at Kanner & Pintaluga are prepared to take your case to court if needed to maximize your chances of success.

Losing a loved one due to a wrongful death accident is a painful experience. We’ll fight for just compensation on your behalf so that you can focus on healing and recovering. Call 888.283.3831 or visit us online to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced wrongful death attorney.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Coral Gables Location

Aguilones de Coral

2020 Ponce de León PH 2,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



Losing a loved one due to the negligence of another party is an unimaginably difficult experience. Our dedicated Florida personal injury law firm is committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive legal support to those facing such a loss. Consult with one of our Coral Gables wrongful death lawyers by calling today.

Call 800.586.5555



Póngase en contacto con el estudio jurídico Kanner & Pintaluga para concertar una consulta gratuita, y permítanos brindarle a usted y su familia un servicio dedicado y obtener para usted la compensación que se merece.

Llame al 888.283.3831
