Coral Gables Dog Bite Accident Attorney


Dog Bite and Animal Attack Injury Attorneys in Coral Gables

Coral Gables is full of dog lovers. Whether you’re at a park, in a café, walking in downtown Coral Gables or even in a University of Miami classroom, you’re bound to see dogs everywhere you go. Although dogs can bring a lot of joy to our daily lives, there is always the risk of encountering an irresponsible dog owner and potentially being the victim of a dog bite. A dog bite is a serious matter that can result in scarring, infection, nerve damage, rabies and even death.

If you’ve suffered a dog bite, the animal attack lawyers at Kanner & Pintaluga will help you pursue a personal injury claim.

Common Causes of Dog Bite Accidents

Negligent Ownership and Supervision

One of the main causes of dog bite accidents is negligent ownership. To ensure their dogs don’t pose a danger to others, owners must take adequate measures. A failure to fulfill the responsibilities of dog ownership – including proper training, socialization and supervision – can result in dogs exhibiting aggressive behavior.

Lack of Proper Socialization

Socializing dogs early in life is essential to them learning appropriate behaviors and helping them feel comfortable in a variety of environments. Dogs that are not properly socialized may perceive unfamiliar people, animals or situations as threats, leading to defensive behavior and potential dog bites.

Poor Training and Obedience

Dog bite accidents can also be the result of inadequate training and poor obedience. Dogs that have not received proper training may not understand commands or people’s boundaries, increasing the risk of aggressive behavior or preventing the owner from controlling the dog in public spaces.

Lack of Compliance with Leash Laws

Owners who fail to comply with leash laws and allow their dogs to roam freely in public areas increase the risk of dog bite incidents occurring. It’s critical to adhere to leash laws, as they are in place to protect individuals and maintain control over dogs, preventing potential incidents and promoting community safety.

Encroachment on Personal Space or Territory

Dogs are naturally territorial, so when a person invades their personal space or territory, they may respond aggressively to protect themselves or their belongings. Approaching a dog without permission or entering its property without caution can trigger defensive reactions. If you were trespassing on the property when you were bitten, you may not be eligible for a personal injury claim.

Fear and Anxiety

Fear and anxiety can greatly influence a dog’s behavior. Dogs that are scared or anxious may perceive even non-threatening situations as dangerous, leading to defensive responses, including biting. Traumatic experiences, lack of socialization or prior abuse can all contribute to fear and anxiety in dogs.

Medical Conditions or Pain

Underlying medical conditions or pain can significantly affect a dog’s behavior. Dogs experiencing discomfort or suffering from certain medical conditions may have increased irritability, making them act more defensively.

Provocation or Aggravation

One of the best defenses to dog bite claims is that the dog was scared due to being provoked. Even if the provocation is unintentional, provocatory behavior such as teasing, taunting or aggressive gestures can provoke the dog’s defensive instincts and instigate a biting incident. To avoid inciting aggression, it is crucial to treat dogs with respect and kindness.

However, if the victim was a child, then the onus of fault will most likely be on the dog owner. Even if they were provoking the animal, children under a certain age usually aren’t held responsible. Exceptions may exist if it can be established the parent or caregiver was acting negligently. Kanner & Pintaluga will help you discern the facts of your case and how you should proceed.

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What To Do After You've Been Bitten by a Dog

Hire an Attorney to Help With Your Personal Injury Claim After a Dog Bite Incident

The legal landscape of dog bite accidents can be tricky to navigate, especially when you’re in the middle of recovery. Kanner & Pintaluga will support you every step of the way, providing aggressive representation in court if needed. Call 800.586.5555 or visit our website for a free case consultation.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Coral Gables Location

Aguilones de Coral

2020 Ponce de León PH 2,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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