Coral Gables Premises Liability Attorney


Coral Gables Premises Liability Injury Lawyers

Property owners in Coral Gables, Florida are required by law to keep their premises adequately maintained and cared for via regular inspections, timely repairs and properly addressing potential hazards. If they neglect to fulfill these obligations and an individual is injured as a result, the property owner, business or tenant may be liable. There may be scenarios where more than one party shares fault for injuries suffered on a property or in a business.

Consulting with an experienced Coral Gables premises liability attorney may be beneficial for determining your best course of action after being injured on someone’s dangerous property.

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Consequences of Premises Liability Cases

If a property owner is found liable for negligence in a premises liability case, the ramifications can be severe. They may be required to compensate the injured party for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, pain and suffering and other damages resulting from the accident.

Premises liability cases can also harm a property owner’s reputation, leading to negative publicity and potential financial losses. They may even face increased insurance premiums or difficulty obtaining insurance coverage in the future as a result.

Work With a Coral Gables Attorney Experienced in Premises Liability Cases

Establishing liability in premises liability cases can be complicated, as it requires the injured party to prove the property owner was aware of the hazard – or at the very least, should have been aware of it – and failed to take appropriate action to rectify it. Seeking guidance from experienced legal representation can help you establish liability and negotiate or litigate a fair settlement that covers your losses.

If you have been injured due to hazardous conditions on someone else’s property, Kanner & Pintaluga will help. Our legal team is experienced in premises liability cases and will help you build a strong case. We will work hard to get you fair compensation for your injuries and losses, negotiating with insurance companies and passionately advocating for you in court if necessary.

Property owners need to be held responsible if their poorly maintained properties pose a danger to anyone who visits or lives on the premises. The legal team at Kanner & Pintaluga will provide you with skilled and aggressive representation for your case. We will do everything in our power to help you receive the settlement you deserve. For a free case consultation, call 800.586.5555 or visit us online.


Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Coral Gables Location

Aguilones de Coral

2020 Ponce de León PH 2,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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