Coral Gables Bicycle & Pedestrian Accident Attorney


Coral Gables Bike and Pedestrian Accident Injury Lawyers

Because of our warm weather and wealth of outdoor activities, Coral Gables attracts a large number of cyclists and walkers. All too often, the multitude of motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians sharing the road can lead to a dangerous and costly accident.

More than 500,000 people suffer from bicycle accident injuries each year, with more than 700 dying as a result. The total might even be higher than that, as many bicycle and pedestrian accidents go unreported.

No matter how many years of experience you have in a car or on a bike, anybody can get in an accident. If you sustain injuries in an accident, Kanner & Pintaluga will be there to aggressively pursue a personal injury claim on your behalf.

Lesiones comunes por accidentes de bicicleta

When it comes down to a collision between a driver versus a cyclist or a pedestrian, the latter party is always going to suffer greater injuries as a result. Bicycle accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, some of which can be severe and life-altering.

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What Should You Do If You've Been Hurt in a Pedestrian or Bicycle Accident by a Motor Vehicle?

Hire an Attorney Who Will Help You File a Personal Injury Claim After a Bike or Pedestrian Accident

When filing a personal injury claim after a bike or pedestrian accident, it is crucial to follow the correct legal procedures. Kanner & Pintaluga will help you navigate the insurance claim process and legal system to protect your rights.

We’ll conduct a thorough investigation, gathering evidence such as accident reports, medical records, witness statements and any other relevant documentation we need to bolster your case. Our skilled personal injury attorneys will negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company and are not afraid to go to court if necessary. We’ll make sure all your damages are taken into account and work hard to get you fair compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering.

Kanner & Pintaluga has helped clients through claims negotiations and personal injury litigation for many years and can do the same for you. Each case is unique, and you can trust our Coral Gables personal injury lawyers to guide you through your situation and help you receive the benefits you deserve.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Coral Gables Location

Aguilones de Coral

2020 Ponce de León PH 2,
Coral Gables, Florida 33134


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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