Delray Beach Property Damage Attorney


Delray Beach Property Damage Attorneys

Dealing with insurance companies about property damage can be frustrating. Despite their promise to protect and support you in times of need, they are primarily motivated by profit and often try to minimize their claim payouts – especially during storm seasons in Florida when many Delray Beach homeowners are also filing claims.

The skilled attorney at Kanner & Pintaluga will investigate claim denials or undervaluation and negotiate with insurance companies for you, ensuring your insurance company is held accountable and lives up to the contract you entered with them.

Common Types of Property Damage Claims in Delray Beach

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What should I do if my home is damaged?

Why Are Insurance Companies Not on Your Side During a Property Damage Case?

Profit Motives

Since insurance companies are for-profit businesses, reducing claim payouts helps maintain their bottom line. As a result, they may undervalue your claim or attempt to shift blame to avoid full compensation.

Complex Policies

Insurance policies are often filled with complex terms, excluded perils and conditions that can be challenging to interpret. Insurers might exploit these complexities to confuse claimants, ultimately denying or devaluing your claim.

Delay Tactics

Insurance companies may intentionally delay the claims process to frustrate you or pressure you into accepting a low settlement to settle quickly and for as little money as possible.

Limited Resources

Insurance companies have extensive legal and financial resources at their disposal, which can intimidate claimants. The experienced attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will level the playing field, ensuring your rights are protected against the behemoths.

Conflicting Interests

Insurance companies have a conflict of interest between paying legitimate damage claims and protecting their financial interests, creating an incentive for biased decision-making when evaluating claims that favor their financial well-being over yours.


Frequently Asked Questions About Property Damage Cases

The amount of compensation you may receive depends on various factors, such as the extent of the damage, the purchase price of the possession and its age.

While it is possible to handle a property damage claim independently, having an experienced attorney by your side can significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome after a claim denial or if you believe you’re being treated unfairly.


Our Property Damage Attorneys Will Fiercely Negotiate and Litigate on Your Behalf

You deserve fair compensation that allows you to cover your repair or rebuild costs without draining your own financial resources. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we have helped our clients recover over $1 billion in settlements and verdicts nationwide, and we’re ready to fight for you.

Every property damage case is unique, which is why we provide individualized attention, thoroughly investigating your circumstances, gathering evidence and tailoring our legal strategy to your specific needs. We also have access to a vast network of experts – from appraisers and public adjusters to accident reconstruction specialists – who can provide insight and testimony to help you build a strong case.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Delray Beach Location

Playa de Delray

101 Camino de Pugliese, 1er piso
Delray Beach, Florida 33444


 (800) 586-5555

* Oficina satélite



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