Delray Beach Cruise & Boat Accident Attorney


Delray Beach Cruise and Boat Accident Attorneys

While there’s a lot of fun to be had on boats and cruise ships, there can also be a lot of danger. In 2022, there were 32 fatal and 165 serious injury boat accidents in Florida.

If you’ve been injured in a cruise or boat accident, Kanner & Pintaluga will provide you with the support and representation you deserve.  We’ve helped our clients recover over $1 billion in settlements and verdicts nationwide and will pursue your case with the vigor it deserves.

Cruise Accident Investigation and Evidence-Gathering Techniques

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Types of Compensation You Can Recover for Cruise Accident Injuries

What Matters in a Cruise or Boat Accident Case?

Maritime Law

Many cruise accidents fall under maritime law, which encompasses a specific set of rules and regulations – incorporating federal laws and international conventions – that govern accidents occurring on navigable waters.

Statute of Limitations

In Florida, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit is generally four years from the date of the accident. The attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will help you file your claim promptly so you don’t miss the deadline.

Modified Comparative Negligence

Under the modified comparative negligence system, you may still be eligible to recover damages even if you are partially at fault for the accident. However, your compensation may be reduced proportionately to your degree of fault.

Duty of Care

Cruise lines have a legal obligation to take reasonable measures to ensure passenger safety. If a cruise line breaches this duty and it results in injuries or accidents, they may be liable for the damages.

Ticket Contracts

When you purchase a ticket for a cruise, you typically enter into a contract with the cruise line. These ticket contracts often contain terms and conditions that can impact your legal rights in case of an accident, including provisions related to notice requirements, arbitration clauses and limitations on liability.

A personal injury attorney experienced in cruise ship injury litigation can help you understand your rights. There are many situations where these vague or overly broad liability limitations aren’t truly enforceable.


Frequently Asked Questions About Cruise Accident Cases

Yes, you may have grounds to sue the cruise line for your injuries. Some may be deterred by how complex a lawsuit can be, which is why the experienced personal injury attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will fight for proper compensation on your behalf.

Yes, you can still pursue a claim even if the cruise accident occurred outside the United States. However, due to maritime law, the legal process and applicable laws may vary depending on the jurisdiction.

Trying to navigate the aftermath of a cruise accident can be overwhelming – not only are you grappling with your own injuries and trauma, but you also have to traverse the complex landscape of maritime law. At Kanner & Pintaluga, our attorneys have extensive experience handling cruise accident cases and will tailor our approach to your needs, keeping you informed and involved throughout.

We are committed to helping our clients receive the best possible outcome for their claims and will work hard to do the same for you. Call 800.586.5555 today and receive a free case consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Delray Beach Location

Playa de Delray

101 Camino de Pugliese, 1er piso
Delray Beach, Florida 33444


 (800) 586-5555

* Oficina satélite



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