Delray Beach Wrongful Death Attorney


Wrongful Death Attorneys in Delray Beach

Navigating the legal complexities of a wrongful death case can be an overwhelming experience during an already challenging time. By seeking the guidance of a compassionate and experienced attorney at Kanner & Pintaluga, you can improve your chances of securing the justice and compensation your family deserves.

Common Causes of Wrongful Death

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Types of Compensation You Can Recover for Wrongful Death Cases

What to Know About Wrongful Death Cases in Delray Beach

Statute of Limitations

Unlike most areas of law in Florida, where you have four years to file your claim, you only have two years from the date of death to initiate legal proceedings for a wrongful death claim.

Damages Limitations

Florida has imposed a statutory cap on non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases – such as pain and suffering – at $500,000 per claimant. This applies to cases involving medical malpractice that result in a wrongful death.

Eligibility for Filing

Under state law, only specific individuals, such as surviving spouses, children, parents and the estate’s personal representative, can file a wrongful death claim. The law is most concerned with ensuring dependents or people who relied on the deceased family member for financial or emotional support receive appropriate compensation.

wrongful death lawyers - Kanner and Pintaluga


Frequently Asked Questions About Wrongful Death Cases

Compensation in wrongful death cases is determined by various factors, such as the deceased person’s income, age, earning potential, the nature of the incident and the degree of the surviving family members’ emotional losses. While some of those damages can be quantified, many are subjective or must be carefully calculated to reach an appropriate figure.

Yes, you can still pursue a wrongful death claim even if the responsible party was acquitted in a criminal trial. Since civil and criminal cases have different standards of proof, you may still have a valid claim for compensation.

If the deceased person does not have a will, the court will appoint a personal representative for their estate, typically a close family member. This representative can file a wrongful death claim on behalf of the family members.

Losing a loved one due to someone else’s negligence or intentional actions can be devastating, and the emotional and legal complexities of the aftermath don’t make it easier. The experienced attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will take the legal battles off your hands, so you can focus on recovering.

We will safeguard your rights and work hard to maximize your compensation. Our attorneys will negotiate with insurance companies and opposing parties to pursue a fair settlement that covers the full extent of your losses. We’re not afraid to litigate and represent your interests in court if necessary.


We’ll File Your Wrongful Death Claim Quickly and With a Compelling Backing of Evidence

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we will provide you and your family with aggressive and attentive representation. The skilled wrongful death attorneys at our Delray Beach personal injury law firm will protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome for your case.

Let our skilled negotiators and litigators handle the complex legal proceedings so that you can focus on grieving with your loved ones. Call 888.283.3831 and schedule a free case consultation today.

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Delray Beach Location

Playa de Delray

101 Camino de Pugliese, 1er piso
Delray Beach, Florida 33444


 (800) 586-5555

* Oficina satélite



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