Orlando Car Accident Attorney


Car Crash Lawyers in Orlando

Residents of Orange County likely won’t be surprised to learn the Orlando area is near the top of the list for frequency of car crashes in Florida. In 2022, there were 12,666 serious injury car crashes and 205 fatal car crashes in the Orlando metro area. We’re also home to one of the nation’s most notoriously dangerous highways – Interstate 4 (I-4). The interstate averaged a fatality per mile in a study of crashes conducted between 2016 and 2019.

It’s not just tourists that Orlando drivers need to contend with. As a massive, bustling city with a population of over 2.5 million over the entire Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford metro area, there’s seemingly no end to local traffic issues.

In a perfect world, every Orlando driver would adhere to traffic laws, drive defensively and avoid distractions – but we don’t live in a perfect world. Auto accident injury lawyers, like our trial attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga, have dedicated their careers to ensuring that people involved in car crashes caused by someone else’s negligence aren’t forced to bear the steep costs of those mistakes.

If you’ve been hurt in an auto accident, don’t hesitate to contact our Orlando attorneys by calling 800.586.5555.

Can’t I Just Rely on My Own Insurance After an Auto Accident?

While your initial instinct may be to turn to your own insurance after a collision, it’s essential to remember that insurance companies are businesses with one goal: to minimize payouts and maximize profits.

Even in the best-case scenario, the PIP insurance required by the state only has to cover 80 percent of your medical bills and 60 percent of lost wages up to the $10,000 limit. That means you’ll always be forced to pay out of pocket to some degree if you rely solely on normal auto insurance coverage and the goodwill of the insurance company.

Many people injured in Orlando car crashes have lost wages and medical bills that far exceed their PIP limit – not to mention the pain and suffering they were forced to endure, which isn’t covered. They may also have future medical expenses and other additional costs of living after suffering a temporary or permanent disability in a crash, none of which is likely to be covered by PIP. 

The honest answer is no – many Orlando drivers and passengers involved in serious crashes cannot recoup fair compensation solely by relying on their own coverage.

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Why Dealing with Auto Insurers on Your Own Can Be Perilous

Insurance adjusters are trained to deal with claims daily. They possess the skills and strategies to reduce their company’s liability. When you’re recovering from an accident, you may not have the energy or know-how to challenge their tactics. Without the expertise of a personal injury attorney by your side, you risk:

How an Orlando Car Crash Attorney Can Help You Prove Fault

In situations where no-fault insurance isn’t enough, establishing the other driver’s negligence becomes paramount. This is where an experienced Orlando car crash attorney can be an invaluable ally. Your attorney can:

With a legal expert on your side, you’ll be better positioned to receive the compensation you need to cover medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering and more.

Tricks the Insurance Company May Use to Dispute, Deny or Undervalue Your Claim

Insurance companies have a few common tactics they employ to reduce the amount they pay out:

Orlando car wreck lawyers have dedicated their careers to countering both the intentional roadblocks insurance adjusters place in your way while also spotting insurance company mistakes or errors that might result in you receiving less than you deserve after your car crash.

Trust Our Orlando Auto Accident Trial Attorneys to Fight for the Compensation You Deserve

The aftermath of an auto accident can be physically, emotionally and financially taxing. But with the right car crash injury attorney in Orlando, you can navigate the challenges of insurance claims with confidence. Don’t tread these waters alone; let the team at Kanner & Pintaluga stand by your side and ensure that your rights are protected and that you get the fair compensation you deserve.

Call us today at 888.283.3831 for your free, no-obligation case consultation.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Orlando Location


1000 Legion Place, Suite 100
Orlando, Florida 32801


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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