Orlando Premises Liability Attorney


Orlando Premises Liability and Slip and Fall Lawyers

Slip and falls and other types of premises liability injuries can happen virtually anywhere and at any time. You could be walking through a parking lot and step in a pothole, trip on a broken stair in your apartment’s common areas, slip in a spill in the grocery store or suffer one of a thousand other hypothetical accidents virtually any time you leave your home.

Property owners are responsible for your safety when you’re on their property, and many fail to uphold their duty. If you’re injured on someone else’s property, consulting with an experienced slip and fall lawyer may be in your best interest. The team at Kanner & Pintaluga is ready to advocate for you.

What a Plaintiff Must Prove in Order to File a Successful Premises Liability Claim

While that may sound straightforward, there are some unique differences between premises liability claims and other types of personal injury cases, like car accidents. Property owners have some highly effective defensive options against certain types of slip and fall claims. Our skilled Orlando slip and fall attorneys will work hard to strengthen your claim and reduce the chance of the property owner avoiding responsibility.

Defenses in Slip and Fall Cases

Although property owners do have a duty of care, they may be able to escape liability if they prove that they were not aware of the hazard and could not have been aware of it prior to your injury. This is especially effective for hazards that were temporary, unanticipated and hard to notice. Essentially, the property owner needs to have known about the danger – or at least should have known about it – and also have had time to fix it.

Defendants and insurance companies can also use the injured person’s own behavior against them, especially in the case of “open and obvious hazards.” For example, if a person trips over boxes in the aisle of a retail store because they were looking at their phone rather than where they were walking, the property owner may try to argue the obstruction wasn’t hidden and other people who were paying attention managed to avoid it.

Countering these defenses often takes investigation and evidence, which your personal injury attorney can help you develop.

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Common Types of Hazards That Cause Injuries on Properties

Various hazards can pose risks to visitors, whether in a commercial setting like a shopping mall or in a private residence. Slippery floors, poorly lit stairwells or faulty electrical wiring can all lead to unfortunate accidents. Furthermore, cracked pavements, unsecured carpets or even aggressive pets can result in injuries.

In some instances, these hazards might seem benign but can prove to be severely detrimental, especially if they catch individuals off-guard. In essence, any condition that isn’t anticipated by a visitor and leads to their harm can be deemed a hazard in the context of premises liability.

Evidence That Can Help Prove Your Case:


The Importance of Timely Investigations

When an accident occurs, the immediate focus is, understandably, on medical attention and recovery. However, the importance of a swift investigation in a premises liability case can’t be overstated. Over time, conditions of a site can change, damage can be repaired, evidence might get lost and the memories of witnesses can become foggy. Initiating an investigation promptly ensures:

Get Help with Your Premises Liability Claim in Orlando

In the domain of premises liability, the onus is often on the injured party to prove negligence. Hence, understanding the nuances of what constitutes a valid claim, being aware of typical hazards, collecting robust evidence and ensuring timely investigations are critical elements that can significantly influence the outcome of a lawsuit.

The Orlando slip and fall lawyers at Kanner & Pintaluga are here to advocate for you. We’ll thoroughly investigate the situation and aggressively negotiate with the property owner’s insurance company to obtain fair recovery that covers your medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Call us at 800.586.5555 for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.


Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Orlando Location


1000 Legion Place, Suite 100
Orlando, Florida 32801


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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