Fort Myers Premises Liability Attorney


Fort Myers Premise Liability Attorneys

If you or a loved one has been injured on someone else’s neglected property, we’ll aggressively advocate for maximum compensation. Property owners and insurance companies will work hard to devalue your claim and avoid liability. They’ll argue either they weren’t made aware of the hazard that caused your injury or that it was visible enough that any reasonable person would have successfully avoided it. The skilled premise liability attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will work hard to hold them responsible so you can be paid what you’re owed and more.

Common Causes of Premise Liability Accidents

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How to Prove the Property Owner was Liable in Your Claim?

Every property owner in Florida has a deber legal de diligencia to tenants and legal visitors alike, which requires them to keep their property safe and habitable. For your claim, you need to illustrate that they failed to address a dangerous hazard that has existed for an extended period of time at the property that they should have known about, thus betraying their duty of care. This hazard, in turn, directly contributed to your injuries and resulted in quantifiable damages, which you’ll need to prove through a robust collection of evidence that a skilled attorney will help you gather.

What Evidence Do I Need for Premise Liability Case?

First and foremost, get medical attention immediately after the accident and hold onto records relating to the diagnosis, treatment plans, prescriptions and future medical needs. When possible, be sure to take photos and videos of the site of the injury as well as any hazardous conditions that contributed to your accident. If anyone was present at the time of the accident, get their contact information, as they may be able to provide witness testimony and bolster your claim.

You’ll also need to request surveillance footage and maintenance records from the property owner or manager to help establish the hazard’s age and visibility. This may help prove that the property owner was aware (or should have been aware) of the hazard and neglected to fix it. Evidence of previous complaints, similar incidents or a recorded lack of regular inspections can be used as evidence that the property owner was aware of or had every reason to know about the hazard that caused your injury.


Can I File a Claim if I Was Partially at Fault for the Accident?

Florida follows a comparative negligence system. If you were partially at fault, your compensation may be reduced based on your percentage of fault. As long as you were less than 50 percent responsible for the accident, you can still seek compensation.

Hire a Dedicated Fort Myers Premise Liability Attorney Who Will Protect You Interests

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’re ready to advocate for your interests and defend your claim against property owners and insurance companies who might try to devalue it. The trial attorneys at our Fort Myers premises liability law firm will help you develop a compelling case that supports your claim in negotiations and litigation. Call (800) 586-5555 today to receive a free case evaluation with one of our premise liability attorneys.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Fort Myers Location

Fuerte Myers

1625 Calle Hendry, Suite 400
Fort Myers, Florida 33901


 (800) 586-5555



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