Fort Myers Bicycle & Pedestrian Accident Attorney


Bicycle & Pedestrian Accident Attorneys in Fort Myers

The threat to bike riders and walkers in Florida is undeniable. The state leads the country in both bicycle and pedestrian deaths. From 2010 to 2019, 5,893 pedestrians died in the state due to a collision with a vehicle. For reference, the state with the second highest pedestrian danger index is Alabama, which had  936 deaths in the same period. Florida had 185 bicycle accident fatalities in just 2021 alone.

If you or a loved one is injured in an accident, you may benefit from skilled legal representation that can bring years of experience and aggressive negotiation skills to the table. Kanner & Pintaluga can help. We’ll pursue proper compensation that covers the full extent of the damages you suffered.

Causes of Bike and Pedestrian Accidents

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Florida Laws That Can Affect Your Bike and Pedestrian Accident Claim

Because Florida treats bicycles as vehicles, bicyclists are required to follow the same laws as motorists on the road — meaning if they run a red light, ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol or fail to equip their bike with front and rear lights, they can be held fully or partially responsible for the accident. Similarly, if a pedestrian’s jaywalking or illegal street crossing contributes to an accident, it can severely impact their case’s proceedings.

However, due to the sheer size and weight difference, drivers have a higher duty of care on Fort Myers roads. They need to be extra cautious of bicyclists and pedestrians, giving bicyclists at least three feet of clearance when passing and yielding to pedestrians’ right of way in crosswalks.

If a property manager or owner’s negligence contributed to your accident – such as if the property contained uneven sidewalks, inadequate lighting, lack of proper signage and other hazardous conditions – they may bear responsibility due to premise liability laws.


Frequently Asked Questions About Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents

Yes, you might be able to pursue legal action against a government or property owner if a defective infrastructure element (e.g., poorly maintained sidewalks, inadequate signage, hazardous bike lanes) contributed to your accident. A skilled attorney can guide you through the unique legal requirements involved when filing a personal injury claim against a government entity.

In Fort Myers and throughout Florida, state law requires cyclists under the age of 16 to wear helmets. While not mandatory for adult cyclists, wearing a helmet is strongly recommended for safety. Wearing a helmet can also strengthen your claim. If you weren’t wearing a helmet when the accident occurred, the other party might argue that you’re at least partially responsible for the severity of your injuries, which can limit the amount of compensation you can receive.

Hire a Fort Myers Personal Injury Attorney Who Will Fight for the Best Claim Result

Pursuing a bicycle and pedestrian accident claim can be labor intensive, requiring in-depth investigation and evidence gathering to best optimize your claim’s end result. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll take that burden off your hands, providing dedicated and effective legal representation that will pursue proper coverage for your damages with zealous fervor. The attorneys at our Fort Myers firm will file your claim promptly and with a strong backing of evidence and witness testimony to maximize your compensation.

To schedule a free case consultation with an accident attorney who will work hard to secure the benefits you need, call (800) 586-5555 today.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Fort Myers Location

Fuerte Myers

1625 Calle Hendry, Suite 400
Fort Myers, Florida 33901


 (800) 586-5555



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Llame al 888.283.3831
