Boca Raton Premises Liability Attorney


Boca Raton Premises Liability Injury Attorneys

Business and property owners have a duty to maintain safe premises free of hazards and dangers that could potentially injury visitors. When they fail to uphold this duty and legal visitors are injured, the property owner may be liable and required to pay appropriate compensation for the injured person’s medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.

The Boca Raton personal injury attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga have extensive experience representing injured people with premises liability claims, from slip and falls and negligent security to dog bites and falling objects. If you’ve suffered any type of serious injury on someone else’s property, our attorneys are ready to assist.

What Do You Need to Prove in a Premises Liability Claim

The basic facts a plaintiff needs to prove in any type of personal injury claim are:

Proving a breach of duty can be slightly more complicated in premises liability cases due to what is and isn’t considered reasonable on behalf of the property owner or business. Essentially, you and your legal team need to establish that the property owner should have been aware of the hazard and had adequate time to fix it prior to your injury.

There are scenarios in which it may be difficult to establish the hazard was or should have been apparent and that there was adequate time between when the hazard was discovered and when your injury occurred for it to have been fixed. Evidence is particularly important in these cases, as things like videos or photographic evidence of the hazard can help establish its age and visibility.

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Common Types of Premises Liability Incidents

Various incidents fall under the umbrella of premises liability, including:

Injuries resulting from these incidents can range from minor cuts and bruises to serious fractures, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and even wrongful death.

Defenses in Premises Liability Cases

Property owners often use various defenses in premises liability cases:

An experienced personal injury attorney can help investigate your situation and develop a case that counters the common defenses used by property owners and insurance companies.


Steps After Being Injured on Someone's Property

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

A personal injury lawyer can be a significant asset when you’ve suffered a premises liability injury. They can:

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Boca Raton Location

Boca Ratón

925 Carretera Federal Sur, 6to piso
Boca Ratón, FL 33432


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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