Jacksonville Dog Bite Attorney


Jacksonville Dog Bite Lawyers

One of the main reasons dogs have become man’s best friend is their inherently defensive nature. They’ve been bred to protect their families from perceived threats. Unfortunately, problems arise when they view innocent behavior from people outside of their family as a threat, potentially leading to unprovoked attacks that leave victims with terrible injuries, high medical costs and emotional trauma.

The team at Kanner & Pintaluga understands how traumatic dog attacks can be for people. We’re here to fight for you and pursue the compensation you need to get the care you need.

Steps to Take After a Dog Bite

Your actions in the immediate aftermath of a dog bite injury can have a significant impact on the outcome of your future claim. Taking the necessary steps to document the situation and begin treatment can bolster your claim’s chance of success. If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog:

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Factors That Can Complicate a Dog Bite Claim

Complications in dog bite claims often arise when there is a dispute about the circumstances of the incident. For instance, if the dog owner alleges that the victim provoked the dog, it can influence the outcome of the case. Inconsistent accounts of what happened from witnesses or the parties involved can also complicate the claim.

In Florida, even though the strict liability doctrine applies, there can still be arguments over whether the victim was lawfully at the location where the bite occurred or if the dog was provoked into biting. Each of these factors requires careful legal analysis and investigation to navigate effectively.

Keep in mind that the dog owner’s insurance company will be looking for any potential ways to minimize your claim payment. In many circumstances, the best way to reduce a claim’s value or deny it completely is to pin blame on the victim of the dog bite.


Get a Free Consultation Today

Kanner & Pintaluga have recovered over 1 billion dollars and are experienced in working against insurance companies. If you or a loved one has sustained a severe injury from an animal attack, the attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga will work hard to defend your rights and maximize your compensation.

Call 800.586.5555


Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Bite Accidents

When a dog owner disputes your version of events, a lawyer can be an indispensable ally. An attorney will thoroughly investigate the incident by collecting evidence, including witness statements, surveillance footage and medical reports, in order to construct a factual narrative that supports your claim.

They can also consult with experts to demonstrate the behavior of the dog and assess any prior tendencies that could indicate the owner’s knowledge of the potential risk. With legal representation, you stand a better chance of countering any dispute by presenting a strong and substantiated case.

In Florida, strict liability means that a dog owner is responsible for a bite even if they had no prior knowledge of the dog being aggressive or if the dog had never bitten anyone before. This liability holds regardless of the dog’s history, effectively removing the “one-bite rule” that exists in some other jurisdictions. The owner cannot argue that they took reasonable care to prevent the bite; if their dog injured someone, they are typically held liable for those injuries.

Dog bite injuries can be particularly severe due to the potential for deep tissue damage, which often leads to catastrophic injuries. The risk of infection is high, and victims may require extensive medical treatment, including emergency care and sometimes multiple reconstructive surgeries.

Beyond the physical injuries, dog bites can also inflict significant emotional trauma, sometimes resulting in conditions like PTSD, especially in children. The combination of physical and psychological damage can make recovery a long and costly process, necessitating comprehensive compensation.

Get Help After a Dog Bite in Jacksonville

If you or a loved one has suffered a dog bite, Kanner & Pintaluga in Jacksonville understand the severity of your situation. Our attorneys are equipped with the knowledge and resources to handle the complexities of Florida’s strict liability dog bite laws. We are committed to guiding you through the legal process with empathy and expertise, aiming to secure the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost wages and the pain and suffering you’ve endured.

Contact us at 800.586.5555 to discuss your case and explore your legal options following a dog bite incident.

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Jacksonville Locations


841 Prudential Drive, Suite 1254
Jacksonville, FL 32207

 Contact Us

 (800) 586-5555

* Available by Appointment


644 Cesery Blvd Suite 330
Jacksonville, FL 32211

 Contact Us

 (800) 586-5555


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