Panama City Premises Liability Attorney


Premises Liability Law in Panama City

Enduring an injury on someone else’s property can lead to a complex and prolonged legal dispute with the property owner and their insurance company. At Kanner & Pintaluga, our Panama City premises liability attorneys are committed to assisting those who have suffered due to property owner negligence.

Understanding the burden of proof on plaintiffs and the unique challenges in proving fault is essential for those seeking compensation for their injuries. We can help you investigate and prove the property owner’s negligence.

What Is Premises Liability Law and What Does It Entail?

Premises liability law is the legal framework that holds property owners responsible for injuries occurring on their property due to negligence. This can encompass various situations, including slip and falls, inadequate security leading to assaults or hazardous conditions causing injuries.

To establish a successful premises liability claim, it is crucial to demonstrate that the property owner knew or reasonably should have known about a hazard, had adequate time to address it and failed to do so.

Why Simply Being Injured on a Property Doesn’t Guarantee a Positive Claim Outcome

It’s important to recognize that simply suffering an injury on a property does not automatically guarantee a successful claim outcome. Specific facts must be proven to establish negligence on the part of the property owner. Disputes often arise over whether the hazard met the criteria for negligence, leading to protracted legal battles that are often decided based on what can and can’t be proven with concrete evidence. Our seasoned premises liability attorneys diligently gather evidence, interview witnesses and construct a compelling case to establish negligence and secure rightful compensation.

What Can I Do if the Insurance Company Says I Was at Fault?

Insurance companies frequently attempt to shift blame onto the injured party, contending that a reasonable person would not have been injured by the alleged hazard. Our attorneys counter these allegations by presenting evidence that demonstrates the property owner’s negligence and the unavoidable nature of the hazardous conditions that caused the injury. We work to safeguard our clients’ rights and ensure they aren’t forced to bear the costs of someone else’s mistake.

Common Types of Hazards on Properties

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Steps You Can Take to Increase Your Claim's Chances

Why You Shouldn't Wait After Being Injured

While Florida has a four-year statute of limitations for premises liability claims, acting promptly is crucial. Taking swift action allows for the preservation of evidence, the gathering of witness statements while memories are fresh and ensures that legal proceedings can commence in a timely manner. Waiting may lead to the loss of vital evidence and diminish the chances of a successful claim.

The Importance of Legal Representation in Premises Liability Cases

Navigating premises liability cases can be complex, and having legal representation is crucial for several reasons. Attorneys bring expertise in the intricacies of premises liability law, including the elements required to establish negligence. They can conduct thorough investigations, gather evidence and build a compelling case on behalf of the injured party. Moreover, skilled attorneys can negotiate with insurance companies, counter defense strategies and advocate for fair compensation.

We Fight for Injured People in Panama City

If you’ve fallen victim to property owner negligence in Panama City, our premises liability attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga are ready to fight for your rights. Contact us at (800) 586-5555 for a free consultation, and let us guide you through the legal process, advocating for the compensation you deserve.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Panama City Location

ciudad de Panama

3210 State Road, 77 Suite “B”
Ciudad de Panamá, FL 32405


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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