Miramar Bicycle & Pedestrian Accident Attorney


Miramar Bicycle and Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

In the sunshine state of Florida, where drivers and tourists alike navigate bustling streets and intersections, the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians is often at stake.

It’s an unfortunate reality that many drivers fail to provide enough space for cyclists or yield to pedestrians crossing busy thoroughfares. The consequences of these negligent actions can be grave, leading to devastating, life-altering injuries.

If you’ve suffered injuries as a bicyclist or pedestrian and are struggling to obtain the compensation you deserve to cover the costs of your recovery, you don’t have to face this battle alone. The attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga are here to help you navigate the legal complexities, secure your rights and seek the justice you deserve.

Why Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents Are Serious

Bicyclists and pedestrians struck by vehicles typically have much more serious injuries than drivers and passengers riding in cars involved in crashes. The human body, when exposed and unprotected, is vulnerable to catastrophic injuries when they’re struck at even low speeds by larger, heavier vehicles.

The size, weight and protection disparity increases the risk of catastrophic outcomes, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, severe fractures, internal injuries and even fatalities. The importance of obtaining compensation for victims cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in their recovery and future well-being.

The Legal Responsibilities of Motorists

Florida law places specific responsibilities on motorists regarding the safety of cyclists and pedestrians with whom they share the road. Negligence in adhering to these legal responsibilities can lead to accidents with severe repercussions.

Motorists must provide adequate clearance to cyclists, yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in crosswalks and exercise due care to avoid colliding with anyone on the road. Neglecting these responsibilities can result in life-altering injuries to innocent individuals.

Common Injuries and the Necessity of Compensation

The injuries suffered by bicyclists and pedestrians can be both physically and emotionally distressing. Common injuries include:

Obtaining compensation is essential for victims to access the necessary medical care, therapy and support systems to aid in their recovery and restore their quality of life.

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Common Types of Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents

How a Miramar Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we understand the physical, emotional and financial toll that bicycle and pedestrian accidents can take on victims and their families. Our team of dedicated personal injury attorneys is committed to helping victims prove liability in cases where a motorist’s negligence caused the accident. We will work tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve to cover medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other related damages.

We understand the challenges bike riders and pedestrians face after being injured in crashes, and we are dedicated to helping you find the justice you deserve. Our skilled attorneys have the knowledge and experience to advocate for your rights and work towards a fair resolution for your case. We are here to guide you every step of the way, offering legal support and expertise to ensure you receive maximum compensation to aid in your recovery.

Florida car insurance covers bike accidents

Contact Kanner & Pintaluga for a Free Bike or Pedestrian Accident Case Evaluation

If you’ve been a victim of a bicycle or pedestrian accident, don’t let the negligence of others define your future. Contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga by calling 888.283.3831.

Our team is here to listen, assess your case and recommend the best course of action to help you find the closure and compensation you need. You don’t have to face this challenging journey alone; we’re here to stand with you and fight for your rights.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Miramar Beach Location

Playa de Miramar

495 Gran Bulevar, Suite 206
Playa Miramar, Florida 32550


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa
