Jacksonville Slip & Fall Attorney


Jacksonville Slip and Fall Lawyers

Residents in Jacksonville can suffer slip and fall injuries virtually anywhere at any time, whether you’re walking to work, in school, at the store, in a restaurant or anywhere else. Property owners and businesses have a duty to maintain safe environments for invited visitors, guests and customers. Failure to keep their premises free of slipping or tripping hazards opens property owners up to liability for injuries resulting from falls.

If you’ve fallen on someone else’s property in Jacksonville and now have medical bills, lost wages or are still coping with pain and suffering from the incident, consider calling the slip and fall lawyers at Kanner & Pintaluga. 

What Do I Have to Prove in a Slip and Fall Case?

Florida law requires that you prove the responsible party knew or should have known about the hazardous condition and failed to address it. It’s not enough to show that the dangerous condition contributed to your injury; you must also demonstrate that the property owner or tenant had adequate time to correct the hazard but neglected to do so.

This can involve proving negligence in maintenance, inadequate warnings of potential danger or a failure to promptly rectify a known issue. Establishing these elements is a complex process, requiring a deep understanding of premises liability law and a strategic approach to building your case.

How Can a Lawyer Help You Find Evidence to Bolster Your Slip and Fall Case?

We will work tirelessly to collect surveillance footage, witness statements and any other pertinent information that could demonstrate the property owner’s negligence. Additionally, our team will consult with medical professionals to validate the extent of your injuries and their impact on your life, ensuring that every aspect of your case is meticulously prepared.

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Most Common Types of Slip, Trip and Fall Accidents in Jacksonville

These are just a few examples of the hazardous conditions that can cause slip and fall accidents in Jacksonville, resulting in a variety of injuries ranging from minor to severe.

Challenges in Slip and Fall Claims That Can Lead to Denials

Slip and fall claims in Florida face numerous hurdles, and it’s not uncommon for insurance companies to deny compensation. Key challenges include:

Although you technically have four years to file a personal injury claim for slip and falls in Florida, taking fast and immediate action to prevent these hurdles can increase your claim’s chances of success. It’s best to:


Get Help With Your Slip and Fall Claim in Jacksonville

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident in Jacksonville, the experienced attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga are ready to help. We understand the challenges you’re facing and are committed to guiding you through the legal process, helping you gather the necessary evidence and fighting for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today at 888.283.3831 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards recovery.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Jacksonville Locations


841 Prudential Drive, suite 1254
Jacksonville, Florida 32207


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa


644 Cesery Blvd Suite 330
Jacksonville, Florida 32211


 (800) 586-5555



Póngase en contacto con el estudio jurídico Kanner & Pintaluga para concertar una consulta gratuita, y permítanos brindarle a usted y su familia un servicio dedicado y obtener para usted la compensación que se merece.

Llame al 888.283.3831
