Bonita Springs Dog Bite Attorney


Dog Bite Accident Attorneys in Bonita Springs

Being attacked by a dog is a traumatizing event that can debilitate victims with severe injuries, mental trauma and a potentially permanent disability. However, even though the pain you feel is real and obvious, the dog owner’s Insurance company will use every trick in the book to devalue your claim and prevent you from receiving adequate compensation that fully covers your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering caused by the accident.

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we understand how difficult dog bite claims can be and will fight on your behalf. Our zealous attorneys are ready to protect your rights and maximize your compensation so you can focus on your recovery.

Types of Dog Bite Injuries

Common Reasons Why Dogs Bite People

Dogs being off-leash or off their owner’s property contribute to approximately one-third of all dog bite cases in Florida. Even if a dog was leashed when they bit you, you may still be eligible for compensation.

Whether the dog is leashed or not, the owner is responsible for their training and ensuring they are properly socialized so they can safely interact with others. If the owner failed to prepare the dog socially while they were young, the dog can experience an overwhelming amount of anxiety toward people when they’re older, which can increase the risk of them biting and harming people.

The experienced dog bite attorneys at our Bonita Springs firm will help you hold dog owners liable so you can receive fair compensation and avoid paying out of pocket for the consequences of someone else’s behavior.

The other party and their insurance company will work hard to try and devalue your claim. They may argue that you provoked the dog by invading their personal space or teasing them, which could weaken your ability to recover compensation. Normal and expected interactions between a dog and a person – such as petting or walking past it – are considered non-provocatory by Florida law, meaning the owner will usually be at fault in these scenarios.

There may be some situations where you can’t expect compensation, such as if you were bitten because you were illegally trespassing on the owner’s property. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll provide you with grounded expertise and give you realistic expectations while fiercely pursuing the best possible outcome for your claim.

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What If the Dog Bit a Child?

Children are the most at risk for dog bite injuries. The normal insurance defense tactics that work against adults are also less effective in claims involving children, since children are too young to comprehend their actions.

In other words, even if a child provokes the dog into biting them, the fault may still lie with the dog owner. The only exception is if the owner can successfully argue that absentminded parenting was the true cause of the accident. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll gather extensive evidence, from surveillance footage to eyewitness testimony, to bolster your claim.

Is Florida a One-Bite State?

No. While one-bite law states can act more leniently toward a dog owner whose pet doesn’t have a history of aggressive behavior, Florida will hold owners responsible for the first attack. As long as the victim provides a compelling case, which our attorneys will help you build, Florida will readily make dog owners liable for their damages.

Hire Aggressive Representation in Bonita Springs Who’ll Fight for the Compensation You Deserve

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we’ll ensure your claim is evaluated fairly. The trial attorneys at our Bonita Springs firm have the trial experience to advocate for compensation that covers the costs you’ve incurred as well as your pain and suffering. Schedule a free case consultation with a skilled dog bite attorney today and receive the dedicated legal assistance you deserve by calling (800) 586-5555 today.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Bonita Springs Location

Bonita Springs

2749 Riverview Center Blvd, Suite 109
Bonita Springs, Florida 34134


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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