Abogados de lesiones personales de Boca Ratón


Abogados de lesiones personales de Boca Ratón

There’s no such thing as a good personal injury – but there is a difference between an injury you cause yourself and one caused by the careless, reckless or negligent actions of someone else. When you’re subjected to medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering because of someone else’s poor judgement or choices, you are entirely within your rights to feel affronted and frustrated. What happened to you isn’t right – and you shouldn’t be forced to bear the financial burden of someone else’s mistake.

The Boca Raton personal injury lawyers at Kanner & Pintaluga know what you’re feeling because we’ve helped literally thousands of people going through what you’re experiencing. Recovering compensation won’t negate the inconvenience and discomfort you’re experiencing, but it can eliminate the financial hardship you’ve been forced to endure.

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Why Should People Involved in an Accident Call a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Residents of Boca Raton – at least every driver – understand that Florida is a “no-fault” insurance state – meaning your own insurance pays for your medical costs after an accident.

Why would you need a lawyer after a crash in a no-fault state? Because your damages will very likely exceed your minimum PIP coverage (especially if you only have $10,000). Plus, PIP only covers 80 percent of your costs– meaning even if your medical costs don’t exceed $10,000 it will only pay for 80 percent.

Depending on your situation, you may be able to pursue additional compensation from the person who caused your accident or injuries.

Compensation Available in a Personal Injury Claim

“Damages” in a personal injury claim essentially refers to the type and amount of compensation to which you’re entitled from the negligent party and their insurance company. Damages may include medical bills from emergency surgeries or hospital stays, the value of paychecks you lost because your injuries kept you out of work and the appropriate monetary compensation you deserve for the emotional trauma you’ve been forced to endure.

The compensation you’re entitled to depends on the nature and extent of your injuries as well as the specific circumstances of the case.

Economic Damages

These are financial losses incurred by the injured party as a result of the accident or injury. They can include:

Non-economic Damages

These damages compensate the injured party for the non-financial, subjective effects of the injury. They can include:

Punitive Damages

In some cases, particularly when the defendant’s conduct was particularly egregious or reckless, the court may award punitive damages. These damages are not meant to compensate the injured party but to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Boca Raton Location

Boca Ratón

925 Carretera Federal Sur, 6to piso
Boca Ratón, FL 33432


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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Llame al 888.283.3831
