Veredictos y acuerdos: Las partes llegan a un acuerdo de $400,000 en resbalones y caídas en supermercados

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Veredictos y acuerdos: Las partes llegan a un acuerdo de $400,000 en resbalones y caídas en supermercados

Yellow sign - caution. Wet floor is in the supermarket against the background of blurry products standing on the shelves

Orlando, Florida, Estados Unidos – The Firm’s Personal Injury Litigation Practice recently provided justice for a client by reaching a $400,000 settlement for injuries sustained from a slip & fall in a supermarket.

In November 2018, our client was walking through the aisles of a supermarket when she slipped and fell on liquid on the floor. As a result of this fall, our client suffered serious injuries to her neck, back, hip, and knee. These injuries required our client to undergo a lengthy medical treatment which culminated in a surgery on our client’s spine.

After filing suit and obtaining the security footage from the supermarket, Kanner & Pintaluga’s personal injury trial team discovered the liquid on the floor may have been caused by an employee who had mopped the area minutes before our client’s fall. The video footage also established the employee left the wet floor unattended and failed to place a “wet floor sign” to warn customers of the slippery condition before he left.

Defense counsel for the supermarket argued our client misrepresented her injuries and filed a motion to dismiss our client’s case. Before the motion was heard, our client, represented by trial attorney Marc de Lavalette, reached a $400,000 settlement with the supermarket.

Consigue lo que mereces
Kanner & Pintaluga es una firma demandante nacional agresiva, ética y orientada a resultados comprometida a representar a víctimas de accidentes, lesiones graves y daños a la propiedad. Con un equipo de casi 100 abogados, tenemos la experiencia y los conocimientos para lograr el resultado más favorable para nuestros clientes. Si podemos ayudarlo o si simplemente desea hablar con un abogado para obtener la ayuda que necesita, no dude en contactarnos. Nuestro equipo siempre está disponible para discutir sus derechos y asegurarse de que usted y su familia estén protegidos.
