Tampa Truck Accident Attorney


Tampa Truck Accident Attorneys

Semi-trucks, big rigs and 18-wheelers are just a handful of names used to describe a particular type of motor vehicle abundantly present on Tampa highways and streets.

While these massive vehicles play a crucial role in our economy by transporting goods across the country, their sheer size and weight can pose significant dangers to other motorists. Truck accidents can result in severe injuries and devastating consequences, both physically and financially.

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we understand the unique challenges and complexities that come with truck accident cases. If you’ve been in an accident involving a truck, our Tampa truck accident attorneys are here to provide you with the legal expertise and support you need to pursue the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

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Injuries Typical of a Truck Accident

Unfortunately, it’s rare to walk away from a collision with a truck unharmed. Some drivers and passengers can even sustain permanent disabilities as a result of their truck crash. Many sustain head and spinal cord injuries that can lead to partial or complete paralysis, permanently impacting a person’s ability to move and work. Due to the size and impact of trucks, there is a risk of fuel tank ruptures and fires, which can result in severe burns, disfigurement and potentially loss of limbs and amputation.


Frequently Asked Questions About Truck Accidents

Liability can be challenging to establish in a truck accident for several reasons. Firstly, truck accident cases often involves multiple parties, including the truck driver, the trucking company, maintenance providers and even the manufacturer of the vehicle or its components. Who is ultimately at fault may not be immediately clear and almost always requires a thorough investigation.

Trucking companies and their insurers often have substantial resources to dispute liability claims, making it necessary for the injured party to gather strong evidence and legal support. As astounding as it may be, it’s not uncommon for drivers’ logs and electronic data to be manipulated or deleted, making it difficult to ascertain the driver’s true actions leading up to the accident.

Finally, the sheer magnitude of truck accidents means their consequences can be severe, often involving significant injuries or fatalities. This heightened severity usually means there’s a high financial cost, which can lead to intense legal battles over liability and compensation.

It’s often crucial for people involved in truck accidents to seek legal counsel from experienced attorneys who are familiar with this complex area of law and possess a deep understanding of these challenges.

Truck accidents often involve going up against powerful and aggressive insurance companies that are determined to minimize their liability and pay out as little as possible. These companies have teams of skilled adjusters and lawyers working to protect their interests, making it necessary for you to have your own attorney who can level the playing field and fight for your rights.

Gathering evidence in truck accident cases can be challenging. Key pieces of evidence, such as the truck’s “black box” data or the driver’s mobile phone records, can be difficult to obtain without the legal knowledge and resources necessary to do so. An experienced truck accident lawyer can navigate the complexities of obtaining and preserving this crucial evidence.

Recovery from a truck accident is often physically, emotionally and financially demanding. Dealing with medical treatment, rehabilitation and the stress of the legal process can be overwhelming. Having a dedicated lawyer in your corner allows you to focus on healing while they handle the legal aspects of your case.

In essence, a truck accident lawyer is your advocate, protecting your interests and ensuring you have access to the evidence needed for your case. They should also have the knowledge and past truck accident case experience to leverage available evidence for maximum impact in negotiations and potentially litigation if it becomes necessary.


Hire a Truck Accident Attorney in Tampa to Handle Your Case

Our experienced lawyers are well-versed in the legal intricacies involved in truck accidents. We’re ready to carefully evaluate your case, advise you on the best course of action and help you pursue the compensation you’re owed. Call us today at 888.283.3831 for a free case evaluation.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Tampa Location


3615 carretera de acceso este
Tampa, Florida 33607


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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