Tampa Premises Liability Attorney


Tampa Premises Liability Lawyers

Premises liability, a fundamental legal doctrine, serves to ensure that property owners and occupiers maintain a safe environment for those who enter their premises. This doctrine exists to safeguard individuals who visit another person’s property, allowing them to do so without unreasonable risk.

The core principle of premises liability is simple yet vital: when you invite someone onto your property, you have a responsibility to ensure the premises are reasonably safe. If accidents occur due to negligence in upholding this duty, the legal system empowers victims to seek compensation for their injuries.

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we are committed to serving as your guiding light through the complicated landscape of premises liability. If you were recently injured on someone else’s property, our attorneys are here to assist you in securing the justice and support you rightfully deserve.

Principles of Premises Liability

Premises liability is built on the cornerstone principle that property owners are obligated to keep their property safe for all types of invited visitors.

Negligence in this context emerges when property owners or occupiers fail to meet this responsibility, resulting in accidents and injuries. Regrettably, these responsibilities are often forgotten or ignored, leading to a wide range of accidents that can cause severe harm.

Types of Premises Liability Accidents

Premises liability encompasses a spectrum of accidents, each with its unique characteristics and potential for harm:

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Benefits of Filing a Premises Liability Claim

Challenges in Premises Liability Claims

While seeking justice in premises liability cases is paramount, it is not without its challenges. Insurance carriers may be reluctant to provide fair compensation, as their primary focus is profit. These companies prioritize financial gain over the well-being of injured parties.

There are also a variety of effective defenses businesses and insurance companies can utilize, especially if the injured person lacks concrete evidence of the hazard. In some cases, property owners may argue that the hazard was unforeseeable or temporary, in which case it may be difficult to establish they could have or should have known about the hazard and taken steps to rectify it or prevent injuries.

There can also be issues if the injured person failed to report the injury to the business or property owner or didn’t see a doctor immediately after their injury. The property owner can potentially allege that the injured person has no proof that the injury occurred on their property.   

An experienced lawyer can confront manipulative tactics employed by insurance companies, tenaciously negotiate for fair compensation and allow you to focus on your recovery, free from the burdens of navigating complex legal intricacies.


Hire an Attorney for Your Premises Liability Case in Tampa

At Kanner & Pintaluga, our unwavering commitment is to ensure your rights are protected and you receive the support and justice you rightfully deserve following a premises liability accident.

If you believe you have grounds to file a premises liability claim, don’t hesitate to contact us. It costs nothing to discuss your case with one of our skilled attorneys. Call 888.283.3831 today.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Tampa Location


3615 carretera de acceso este
Tampa, Florida 33607


 (800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa



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