Personal Injury Trial Attorneys in Tampa, Florida

Were you going about your day in Tampa, minding your own business, when your life was turned upside down by a sudden and unexpected injury caused by someone else’s recklessness or carelessness? What happened to you is wrong, and at the very least you deserve compensation for your medical costs and any wages you will lose out on due to your inability to work during your recovery.

The Tampa personal injury attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga are dedicated to helping people facing these struggles.

When someone injures you, whether it’s a business, your employer or a driver on the road, it’s usually the insurance company who ends up paying for medical care and related costs. Insurance companies aren’t in the business of being generous, however, and getting the money you need to recover may not be as easy as simply filing a claim.

Póngase en contacto con Kanner & Pintaluga para una consulta gratuita. Estaremos encantados de discutir su caso y ayudarle a comprender sus posibilidades de obtener una compensación financiera.

Types of Personal Injury Cases Our Office in Tampa Handles

  • Lesiones por accidentes automovilísticos
  • Lesiones por accidentes de camiones
  • Lesiones por accidentes de bicicleta
  • Lesiones por accidentes de peatones
  • Lesiones por accidentes de barco
  • Lesiones por accidentes de crucero
  • Lesiones por accidentes laborales
  • Lesiones por ataques de animales
  • Lesiones por resbalones y caídas
  • Lesiones por responsabilidad de locales
  • Muertes por negligencia
  • Lesiones por productos defectuosos
  • Lesiones de cabeza y médula espinal

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¿Por qué debería buscar abogados litigantes para su caso?

Another common problem faced by auto accident injury victims are personal injury attorneys who want to settle early to avoid a trial. The personal injury trial attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga’s Tampa offices will always do what’s right for you, and if that means going to trial, we won’t back down from a fight.

Our personal injury law firm is transparent with clients. We’ll give you an honest assessment about your case and your chances so you can make informed decisions about how best to proceed with your personal injury case.

Car and Truck Accident Injuries in Tampa

The responsible party in a car or truck accident isn’t always a clear-cut thing, and that’s oftentimes to your advantage. If the other driver caused your accident due to their own negligence, such as running a red light, then you will only be able to collect payment from that driver and their insurance company. However, if the other driver was unable to stop due to improper vehicle maintenance, faulty brakes or poorly maintained roads, several additional parties could also be named in your auto accident or truck accident case.

In commercial truck accidents, for example, the trucking company the driver worked for and their parent company may all be held liable for the accident caused by their driver. The parent company will have significantly deeper pockets than the driver himself.

The Tampa auto accident attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga know how to follow the money to ensure you and your family receive the compensation you need to make a full recovery.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Personal Injuries in Tampa

Las lesiones por accidentes de bicicletas y peatones son cada vez más comunes por varias razones.

States, local communities and the federal government are trying to cut down on pollution by encouraging people to walk and bike instead of drive. Tampa and other cities have been designed primarily for vehicular traffic, so the extra cyclists and walkers must now share the roads with cars and trucks.

Al mismo tiempo, la conducción distraída va en aumento. Cuando los conductores no prestan atención, es mucho más probable que cometan un error que resulte en lesiones a un peatón o ciclista.

Si usted o un ser querido ha sufrido una lesión personal como peatón o ciclista, llame a los abogados de lesiones personales de Kanner & Pintaluga. Estaremos encantados de analizar su caso y ayudarle a obtener la compensación que necesita para pagar el tratamiento, la pérdida de salario y el dolor y sufrimiento.

Workplace Personal Injury Attorneys in Tampa

Workers in Tampa are exposed to dangerous working conditions every day. If you or a loved one are injured at work, it may be in your best interest to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney in Tampa.

Hay varias cosas importantes que hacen que las lesiones en el lugar de trabajo sean particularmente aterradoras para las personas:

  • Many workers are afraid of retaliation from their employer due to either explicit or implicit threats or intimidation, so they don’t file a workers’ compensation claim.
  • Un empleador, o el propio empleado, puede pensar que su lesión fue culpa suya y no del empleador. Su empleador tiene la responsabilidad no solo de brindarle un lugar de trabajo seguro, sino también de brindarle las herramientas y la educación que necesita para mantenerse seguro en el lugar de trabajo. Si cometió un error evitable debido a la falta de capacitación o equipo de seguridad adecuado, no tiene la culpa.
  • The injured worker may not think there’s enough evidence to prove their injury was work related, they didn’t report their injury right away or there are other discrepancies between their claim and their medical care. Before you give up, speak with a personal injury attorney. There may still be a solution, but you won’t know until you ask.

Slip and Fall and Premises Liability Injuries in Tampa

Whether you’re a customer entering a retail business, a renter in your own apartment or a guest at your friend’s house, you have a right to assume the premises you’re entering is safe. If there’s something unsafe about it, there should at the very least be warning signs and the property owner or person responsible for maintenance should be actively trying to eliminate any dangers.

Cuando no se toman medidas de reparación, limpieza o remediación y las personas resultan heridas, el propietario o la empresa que administra o posee la propiedad debe ser responsable de los costos acumulados por la víctima de lesiones personales.

A slip or fall in a supermarket could result in spine injuries, head injuries or other significant personal injuries that result in medical bills, missed work, lost wages and other potential hardships attributable to the pain and suffering you experience.

If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall or suffered another injury due to an unsafe premise, call the Tampa personal injury attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga.

Get the Experienced Personal Injury Representation You Deserve

If you or a loved one have been injured, contact the Tampa, Florida personal injury attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga for a free, no obligation consultation. If you’re in the hospital or at home recuperating, we would be happy to come to you.


3615 carretera de acceso este
Tampa, Florida 33607


(800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa
