Tampa Dog Bite Attorney


Tampa Dog Bites Attorneys

Dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend,” for a good reason. They bring joy, companionship and loyalty into our lives. These beloved animals offer comfort and have a special place in our hearts. But despite thousands of years of domestication, dogs remain animals with instincts that, when triggered, can lead to biting and harm to humans.

If you’re a victim of a dog bite, it’s essential to understand the legal aspects of your situation and the potential pathway to compensation. At Kanner & Pintaluga, we are here to guide you through the process of seeking justice and compensation if you’ve been recently attacked by a dog.

The Concept of Strict Liability in Dog Bite Cases

Dog bite cases in Florida are built on the concept of strict liability. In this context means a dog owner is held responsible when their dog bites someone, irrespective of whether the dog has previously exhibited signs of aggression or whether the owner was overtly negligent in their actions.

From a dog bite victim’s perspective, it’s only necessary to prove that you were bitten by the owner’s dog, not that the owner was negligent in their handling of their pet. However, things can become complicated if the owner or their insurance company alleges the dog bite victim provoked the attack. It may be necessary for a dog bite attorney to investigate the situation, compile evidence and clearly demonstrate the dog bite owner should be held liable for the actions of their pet.

By owning a dog, one implicitly accepts the responsibility to ensure the safety of not only the dog itself but also those who come into contact with it. If the owner fails to follow all the necessary laws when their pet is in public – or when their pet is around invited guests on their personal property – they may be held liable for injuries that result.

Understanding Dangerous Breeds

Certain dog breeds are often considered more dangerous due to factors such as size, strength or a history of aggressive incidents. Examples of such breeds include:

If you’ve been bitten by a dog belonging to one of these breeds, it may make it harder for insurance companies to challenge your version of events, as it could be easier to show the dog misinterpreted innocent, non-provocative actions as a threat.

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Injuries Resulting from Dog Attacks

Dog attacks can result in a wide spectrum of injuries, ranging from minor puncture wounds and scratches to severe wounds that require surgical intervention. Infections are a common concern following dog bites and emotional trauma can be equally challenging to overcome.

Victims often experience a sense of fear or anxiety around dogs, which can have a profound impact on their quality of life.

The financial toll can be substantial as well, with medical bills, therapy costs and lost wages rapidly accumulating in the wake of a dog bite incident.

How a Dog Bite Attorney Can Help

The process of navigating a dog bite personal injury claim can become overwhelming, especially for those dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath of such an event. This is where a skilled dog bite attorney plays a pivotal role. An experienced attorney can assist you in filing a personal injury claim, collecting crucial evidence, and pursuing the compensation you rightfully deserve.

At Kanner & Pintaluga, we are not only dedicated to helping victims of dog bites find justice but also committed to ensuring that they are adequately compensated for the physical, emotional and financial hardships they’ve endured. Our legal experts possess a deep understanding of the nuances of dog bite cases and are unwavering advocates for your rights.

If you’ve suffered a dog bite injury, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to guide you toward a brighter, more secure future. Your path to recovery begins with seeking justice. Call 888.283.3831 to discuss your case for free.

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes


Tampa Location


3615 carretera de acceso este
Tampa, Florida 33607


 (800) 586-5555

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