
octubre 16, 2020
Property Damage Attorney
Maria V. Sanchez
diciembre 8, 2020


Houston Personal Injury Lawyers

There are few things in life as disruptive as being injured. One minute you’re minding your own business, going about your day and the next everything is turned upside down. Suddenly you’re overwhelmed by medical costs, can’t work or pay your bills, have lost your ability to drive and are being constantly harassed by insurance company representatives and bill collectors.

What can Houston families who find themselves in these situations do? One option is to call Kanner & Pintaluga. Our lawyers have made a career out of fighting for people in situations just like this.

Entendemos cómo construir casos con investigaciones orientadas al detalle. Nuestros abogados tienen experiencia de primera mano con las tácticas de negociación de las compañías de seguros y no se sienten intimidados por sus profundos bolsillos corporativos ni por intentos apenas disimulados de intimidación.

When you find yourself in these situations, trying to navigate an injury on your own can be difficult, and you run the risk of getting a raw deal.

If you want someone in your corner who knows how the system works and will be dedicated to advocating for what’s best for you, the Houston personal injury lawyers at Kanner & Pintaluga are ready to assist.

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Auto Accident Injury Attorneys in Houston

Houston is a huge, bustling metro area with lots of cars on the road. In 2019 alone, there were more than 600 auto accident fatalities.

It’s not just Houston that’s dangerous for drivers and passengers. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, one person was killed on Texas roads every two hours and 21 minutes. One person was injured every two minutes and four seconds. A crash was reported every 59 seconds. (Numbers updated as of April 15, 2020.)

A lot of people involved in Houston accidents did nothing wrong but were injured because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and a negligent driver hit them.

It’s completely natural to feel frustrated and overwhelmed by injuries sustained in auto accidents. Those injuries may have resulted in multiple corrective surgeries, long hospital stays and weeks or months out of work.

Las personas no siempre pueden trabajar y ganarse la vida mientras se recuperan, lo que resulta en situaciones financieras aún peores, todo porque alguien más fue negligente al volante.

It’s not right for faultless families to carry the burden of someone else’s mistake. Unfortunately, the other driver’s insurance company may not be willing to pay the injured party the money they need to recover.

The insurance negotiators will try to say it was actually the injured driver’s fault or they will attempt to delay or intimidate the injured party to get them to settle for less than they deserve.

The Houston car crash lawyers at Kanner & Pintaluga are familiar with all of the insurance company’s tactics. They aren’t afraid to aggressively negotiate with big-shot insurance company lawyers and won’t hesitate to take a car crash case to court if that’s what’s in the best interest of their client.

If you need someone in your corner after suffering an injury in a Houston car accident, the personal injury lawyers at Kanner & Pintaluga are here to help.

Premises Liability and Slip and Fall Lawyers in Houston

Los administradores de negocios y propietarios de propiedades, ya sean residenciales o comerciales, tienen el deber de mantener instalaciones seguras. Mientras sea un huésped o cliente legal, tiene derecho a la seguridad.

If there are hazards present on a property, a business, homeowner or landlord has to provide adequate warning to ensure you know about the risk so you can safely avoid injury.

No es raro que los propietarios no cumplan con este deber, lo que puede provocar que las personas sufran lesiones por resbalones y caídas, lesiones por electrocución, lesiones por tropiezos u otras complicaciones de salud.

Para ganar un caso de responsabilidad de locales o de resbalón y caída, el demandante debe poder demostrar:

  • El demandado tenía un deber hacia la persona lesionada (el demandante estaba legalmente en la propiedad y tenía el deber legal de diligencia)
  • The defendant failed to uphold that duty (they knew about a hazard but failed to address it or warn people on the property)
  • El demandante sufrió un perjuicio como consecuencia de ese incumplimiento.

El problema aquí suele estar en el conocimiento del peligro.

Por ejemplo, si un comprador se resbala y cae en un charco que acaba de crear en una tienda de comestibles, la tienda probablemente no será responsable. Era un peligro creado por la persona lesionada, y los propietarios y el personal del supermercado no tuvieron el tiempo adecuado para reconocer el peligro y abordarlo.

There are, however, a lot of legitimate Houston premises liability injuries:

  • Los inquilinos de propiedades de alquiler con frecuencia resultan heridos debido a peligros que el propietario conocía
  • Guests at private homes can be injured in Houston pools that aren’t properly maintained
  • La gente tropieza con suelos o escaleras defectuosos en edificios de apartamentos
  • Los compradores resbalan y caen debido a derrames en los pasillos de las tiendas de comestibles

If you or a loved one ever suffer a similar type of injury, the Houston slip and fall lawyer at Kanner & Pintaluga are ready to fight for you.

Solicite una consulta GRATUITA sobre lesiones personales o daños a la propiedad

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2950 North Loop West Brookhollow Central III
Suite 500
Houston, TX 77092


(800) 586-5555

* Disponible con cita previa
