Teachers, school administrators and coaches have a duty of care for the children in their classrooms, on school campuses and on the field. They are obligated […]
It’s summer in Florida, which means hot, humid weather is on the forecast for the foreseeable future. Swimming pools are a great respite from the heat […]
What people consider to be the most dangerous type of car or truck accident depends on how you want to define and measure danger. Rollover accidents […]
Your insurance company would likely cover whoever is driving your vehicle at the time of the accident. How this works depends on who was driving. Your […]
Animal attack personal injury cases vary in complexity based on the circumstances of each incident. Certain cases are cut and dry. If you suffer a dog […]
It depends on the situation. As a rule of thumb, settling is preferred if the defendant and their insurance company’s lawyers are willing to pay all […]
Yes – in some circumstances. If you’re injured while illegally crossing the street you will undoubtably share some or potentially all of the blame for your […]
There are several different things you should and shouldn’t do after a car accident. Some of these actions are obvious, while others may go against your […]