Florida Slip & Fall Attorney


Abogados experimentados dispuestos a luchar por una compensación máxima por su accidente por resbalón y caída

Las caídas representan más de 8 millones de visitas a las salas de urgencias de los hospitales en un año típico, lo que representa la principal causa de visitas (21,3%). Según la Comisión de Seguridad de Productos de Consumo, los pisos y materiales para pisos contribuyen directamente a más de 2 millones de lesiones por caídas cada año.

Si usted o un ser querido ha sufrido una lesión personal en un accidente de resbalón y caída, podemos ayudarlo a obtener una compensación justa por las facturas médicas, el dolor y el sufrimiento, la pérdida de salario y otros costos relacionados con el accidente. los abogados de Kanner y Pintaluga Tenemos décadas de experiencia combinada en el manejo de casos de resbalones y caídas. Cuando recurre a nosotros, puede confiar en nuestra capacidad para buscar agresivamente la compensación que necesita para seguir adelante con su vida.

Common Slip and Fall Accidents

Types of Slip and Fall Injuries

Falls can result in all types of injuries, from minor bruises and scrapes to catastrophic injuries. Some of the most common injuries suffered by people in slip and falls include:

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What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

There are really three things you should do right away if you’ve been injured in a slip and fall on someone else’s property:

¿Cómo puedo probar mi caso de resbalón y caída?

Los casos de resbalones y caídas han demostrado ser un área complicada de la ley. Una investigación exhaustiva de los detalles es fundamental y hechos que pueden parecer triviales, como el tiempo que un charco ha estado en el suelo antes de que ocurriera un accidente, o si la víctima fue alertada del peligro, pueden tener un gran impacto, como analizamos de manera experta. comience a construir su caso.

Para que se le otorgue una compensación en un caso de resbalón y caída, el dueño de la propiedad debe haber sido negligente y las lesiones que sufrió deben estar directamente relacionadas con la negligencia del propietario. Los casos de resbalones y caídas a menudo pueden requerir amplios conocimientos legales para establecer quién debe ser considerado responsable. Es imperativo que trabaje con abogados que tengan amplia experiencia en esta área del derecho para que pueda obtener el mejor resultado para su caso.



Slip and Fall Accident FAQ's

Maybe – it depends on exactly what caused your injury. One of the most common defenses property owners and businesses use against claim filers is that you were responsible for your own injury. For example, you tripped over a box in the middle of an aisle in a store while looking at your phone. The store owner and their insurance company might argue that the only reason you tripped over the box instead of avoiding it is because you were looking at your phone instead of where you were walking – and they might be right.

However, your partial culpability doesn’t necessarily forgive the property owner’s negligence. Florida is a pure comparative fault state which means you may still be owed compensation even if you’re found to be partially or mostly at fault for your own injuries. Just because you share some or all of the responsibility for your own injury doesn’t mean you’re not owed any money for your medical costs, lost wages or pain and suffering.

If the insurance company is attempting to deny your claim for this reason, it may be time to speak with a slip and fall injury attorney.

There are scenarios where visitors to a business can be injured by a hazard that doesn’t justify a personal injury claim. The types of hazards for which you can hold a carless or reckless business responsible are those that the business:

  • Knew about
  • Should have known about
  • Failed to warn visitors about despite knowledge of them
  • Failed to fix despite having time to do so prior to the injury occurring

  • Disputes can arise over whether the hazard that caused your injury meets those qualifications. If another customer caused some kind of hazard to appear and the property owner didn’t have time to notice it or fix it before your injury, they might have a valid defense against your claim.

    The success of your slip and fall claim may be determined by what was and wasn’t reasonable.

    Maybe an employee had been in the area and missed a puddle that you slipped in, meaning the business did have an opportunity to spot and fix the issue but failed to do so. Maybe the employees failed to adhere to patrol schedules to spot spills. Maybe another customer reported a spill, but the employees failed to put up a wet floor sign or mop up the spill in a timely manner.

    All those situations may be considered negligent and justify a personal injury claim. Unfortunately, businesses aren’t always forthcoming with that type of information. You may need to work with a personal injury lawyer to ferret out negligence on the part of the business or property owner.

    Contrate a un abogado con experiencia en resbalones y caídas

    If you or a loved one have suffered from a slip & fall accident due to the negligence of someone else, you should seek legal representation right away. Personal injury lawyers Kanner & Pintaluga are ready to provide the legal assistance needed to win your case. For more information call 800.586.5555.

    Lo que dicen nuestros clientes




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