Personal Injury Lawyers Dedicated to Helping People in Texas

Nothing can throw you and your family’s life into disarray quite like an unexpected medical emergency. Injuries often leave people feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed. Life is busy and difficult enough as it is – being forced to cope with serious health issues adds an always unwelcome burden.

The inconvenience of injuries isn’t the only problem facing people injured in slip and falls, car crashes or other types of premises liability accidents. There’s also the matter of money.

Many people in Texas have high deductibles or simply lack the necessary health care coverage to adequately pay for all the medical treatments and rehabilitation they may require after an accident.

And why should you be forced to pay for injuries you sustained because of someone else’s carelessness? The truth is you shouldn’t be paying for injuries you didn’t cause. The responsible person and their insurance company should be footing the bill for all the medical treatments, lost wages and pain and suffering you incurred due to the accident they instigated.

Unfortunately, insurance companies aren’t always altruistic in their approach to injury victims. Their fundamental goal, as businesses, is to make money. Every claim they pay out is a loss to them.

That’s why insurers often try to find some contract loophole, threaten to take the injured person to court or use their army of claims adjusters and lawyers to intimidate injured people during negotiations. Their aim is to convince injured people to settle for less than they deserve.

Get Help With Your Injury Case

The Texas personal injury lawyers at Kanner & Pintaluga have been in the personal injury business for many years. They’ve seen all types of cases and are highly familiar with the negotiating and legal strategies employed by insurance companies.

Our Texas personal injury attorneys know how to counter these tactics, develop thoroughly detailed cases and make compelling arguments on behalf of our clients. If you were not at fault for your injuries and the insurance company refuses to settle for a fair amount, we will do everything within our legal power to prove your case to a judge and jury.

Insurance Companies Know You:

  • Are likely out of work due to your injury
  • Need money to cover your deductible plus all of your normal living expenses
  • May need money to replace or repair your vehicle if it was damaged in a crash

Insurance companies may try to use your “desperation” as a tool during negotiations. They might assume you need money as soon as possible and don’t have the wherewithal to effectively fight them in the legal arena.

That’s where Kanner & Pintaluga’s Texas personal injury attorneys may be able to help. Our lawyers have dedicated their careers to winning injured people the compensation they deserve after car accidents and premises liability injuries.

Texas Personal Injury Laws

Texas has a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury cases, meaning you have two years after your injury to file a lawsuit against the negligent party that injured you and their insurance company.

Texas uses a 50-percent modified comparative negligence standard in personal injury cases. If you are partially at fault for the car crash, slip and fall or premises liability accident that caused your injuries, you can still seek compensation. As long as you’re not mostly at fault, you might have a case.

While some Personal Injury cases in Texas may have a cap on recovery for damages incurred (for example cases against the state or local government) our attorneys at Kanner and Pintaluga will fight to recover for you. Our experienced attorneys are well aware of these statutory caps and will be able to advise you regarding same

Types of compensation available to people in Texas who have been injured in a car crash or slip and fall include not only immediate medical bills but also future damages, such as the cost of having a home modified to accommodate someone who was disabled by an accident. Some of these other damages can include lost earning potential, future medical expenses, career retraining and more.


5847 San Felipe St Suite 2050
Houston, TX 77057

Contact Us

(800) 586-5555


222 West Las Colinas Boulevard Suite 1650
Irving, TX 75039

Contact Us

(800) 586-5555

Give us a call at (800) 586-5555 to schedule a consultation with one of our Texas attorneys.