Property Damage Attorneys Specializing in Hail Damage
Unlike snow or sleet, hail is not a cold-weather phenomenon. Hail frequently accompanies severe storms of all types, including those that occur during the spring and summer. Whether hail causes a massive property damage event often depends on the storm’s intensity, the size of the hail and the storm’s length. It’s not uncommon for hail storms to leave roofs and vehicles severely damaged and in need of repair or replacement.
Most home insurance policies should cover hail damage. The problem is these storms represent massive losses for insurance companies, which means they have extra incentive to dispute hail damage claims whenever possible. If your hail damage claim is being denied, undervalued or delayed, contact the property damage attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga.
Act Fast If You Have Hail Damage
If your home was recently subjected to a significant hailstorm, it may be in your best interest to speak with a trusted roofer in your area as soon as possible. Hail damage isn’t always easy to spot from the ground, and the signs of hail damage aren’t necessarily obvious to the untrained eye.
It’s not uncommon for homeowners to assume their roof can weather a hailstorm well, only to discover after the next big rainstorm that their roof is compromised and leaking. This may provide an opportunity for the insurance company to make your claim filing process more difficult. They sometimes suggest you failed to take necessary reparative action to prevent your new water damage claim.
If the insurance company is suggesting your hail damage doesn’t exceed your deductible or that your roof is simply old and doesn’t qualify for replacement, consider contacting a Florida property damage lawyer. Kanner & Pintaluga will fight for the compensation you deserve.
What Steps Should Florida Homeowners Take After a Hailstorm?
Delaying action after a hailstorm can have negative consequences for your claim and may jeopardize your ability to collect appropriate payment for related property damage. Quick action can help ensure your claim is treated fairly.
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How to Handle the Insurance Company When You Have a Hail Damage Claim
The insurance company’s bad claim decisions aren’t always intentional or purposefully intended to disenfranchise the policy holder. Mistakes can happen, especially in the wake of mass claim events like severe hailstorms. Unfortunately, those mistakes can end up forcing you to pay out of pocket for roof replacement or repairs.
In other situations, the insurance company is being overly protective. They assume policyholders are predatory so they end up being adversarial instead of helpful. Some examples of how insurance companies react to hail damage claims include:
- Performing an inadequate roof inspection and underestimating the extent of hail damage
- Offering to pay for patching or minimal repairs instead of the full roof replacement that’s needed
- Arguing that your hail damage is actually wear and tear, which is excluded from your coverage
- Overly depreciating your claim due to the age of your roof
Document the Size of Hail
Small pieces of hail are far less likely to cause significant damage than large hail. In many cases, hail is roughly the size of a pea or, at the larger end, a marble. This hail often won’t cause significant damage to your property.
However, if hail is about the diameter of a penny or larger, significant damage is likely to occur. Hail can potentially grow to massive proportions of four inches or more in diameter. These large hail balls can smash windows, seriously damage roofs and vehicles and even cause injuries as it impacts the ground at roughly 70 miles per hour.
Should You Call a Florida Hail Damage Lawyer?
If your home has been damaged by hail and your insurance company is giving you the run around, using one of the excuses above to undervalue your claim or is outright attempting to deny your property damage claim, speaking with a property damage attorney may be in your best interest.
The hail damage attorneys at Kanner & Pintaluga are dedicated to fighting for policyholders who aren’t receiving the claim payments they deserve. You can schedule a free case evaluation by calling our team at 800-586-5555.