Veredictos y acuerdos: $600,000 Límites de póliza para conductores sin seguro pagados en caso de atropello y fuga

Most common car accidents
Tipos más comunes de accidentes automovilísticos (presentación de diapositivas)
11 de junio de 2022
Veredictos y acuerdos: Se alcanzó un acuerdo por $400,000 en un accidente por alcance que involucró un ciclomotor y un SUV
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Most common car accidents
Tipos más comunes de accidentes automovilísticos (presentación de diapositivas)
11 de junio de 2022
Veredictos y acuerdos: Se alcanzó un acuerdo por $400,000 en un accidente por alcance que involucró un ciclomotor y un SUV
14 de julio de 2022

Veredictos y acuerdos: $600,000 Límites de póliza para conductores sin seguro pagados en caso de atropello y fuga

car accident damaged on the road car crash accident on street, damaged automobiles

Wellington, FL – The Firm’s Personal Injury Litigation Practice recently secured the full amount of our client’s underinsured/uninsured motorist (UM) policy for personal injuries stemming from a rear-end collision where the at-fault driver fled from the crash scene.

In February 2019, our client was sitting at a red light on her way to a networking meeting. Without any warning, her car was hit from behind by another driver that failed to see the red light or her stopped car. This was a busy roadway, so to minimize the potential hazard to the other cars, our client signaled to the driver that rear-ended her to move their vehicle onto a side street as she did the same. To our client’s shock, the driver that hit her sped away from the scene as soon as she moved her car out of the way. Victimized by a hit-and-run, our client was left to deal with her significant injuries without an opportunity to hold the reckless driver accountable.

Leading up to the crash, our client had medical conditions that made her more vulnerable to physical injury than the average person. Aware of her vulnerability, she maintained a large UM policy. For years, she paid substantial premiums to maintain this coverage so she would be ready for a “worst-case scenario.” In February 2019, that scenario became a reality for her. As a result of the crash, our client underwent multiple injections and surgeries on her spine, including a lumbar fusion surgery and the permanent installation of a spinal cord stimulator that required her to have a battery implanted in her back. Due to these procedures, our client incurred significant medical expenses and relied on her insurance company to cover the expenses per her policy. Unfortunately her insurance company refused to and Kanner & Pintaluga’s personal injury trial team filed suit.

After litigating for two years, trial attorney Berkin-Aslan recovered the full underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage policy of $600,000 for our client.

Consigue lo que mereces
Kanner & Pintaluga es una firma demandante nacional agresiva, ética y orientada a resultados comprometida a representar a víctimas de accidentes, lesiones graves y daños a la propiedad. Con un equipo de casi 100 abogados, tenemos la experiencia y los conocimientos para lograr el resultado más favorable para nuestros clientes. Si podemos ayudarlo o si simplemente desea hablar con un abogado para obtener la ayuda que necesita, no dude en contactarnos. Nuestro equipo siempre está disponible para discutir sus derechos y asegurarse de que usted y su familia estén protegidos.