Veredictos y acuerdos: Se alcanzó un acuerdo por $400,000 en un accidente por alcance

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Veredictos y acuerdos: Se alcanzó un acuerdo por $400,000 en un accidente por alcance

One black woman in the car with neck pain

Tallahassee, FL – The Firm’s Personal Injury Litigation Practice recently reached a $400,000 settlement for our client who was rear-ended on her way home from work.

In June 2019, our client was driving home from work in stop-and-go rush hour traffic as usual. She was slowing for the traffic ahead when she was unexpectedly rear ended by defendant’s minivan. As a result of this initial impact, our client’s vehicle was thrust forward and caused to strike the rear of the vehicle immediately in front of her. Our client sustained injuries to her neck, back, and wrist as a result of these collisions.

Due to the defendant’s negligence, Kanner & Pintaluga’s personal injury team led by Howard Kanner, filed suit. Led by trial attorney Richard Rosenblum, our litigation team, through depositions and discovery, convinced the defendant driver to abandon her claims that both our client and the driver of the other vehicle involved were at fault for causing this crash. Regarding our client’s injuries and damages, defendant hired experts to give opinions that our client’s injuries pre-dated this crash and that only about one-third of her medical bills were reasonable. Despite these efforts to minimize our client’s injuries and damages, we were able to reach a settlement of $400,000 on our client’s behalf.

Consigue lo que mereces
Kanner & Pintaluga es una firma demandante nacional agresiva, ética y orientada a resultados comprometida a representar a víctimas de accidentes, lesiones graves y daños a la propiedad. Con un equipo de casi 100 abogados, tenemos la experiencia y los conocimientos para lograr el resultado más favorable para nuestros clientes. Si podemos ayudarlo o si simplemente desea hablar con un abogado para obtener la ayuda que necesita, no dude en contactarnos. Nuestro equipo siempre está disponible para discutir sus derechos y asegurarse de que usted y su familia estén protegidos.