Daño a la propiedad

¡Más de $1 mil millones en acuerdos recuperados para nuestros clientes!

Property Damage Attorneys in Florida

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At Kanner & Pintaluga, we are committed to protecting our clients from liability after an accident causes property damage. Often, insurance companies are more concerned with preserving their bottom line than providing the policyholders the benefits they are owed on legitimate claims.

The team at Kanner & Pintaluga recognizes the importance of aggressive representation to ensure the insurance companies remain true to the terms of their policies.

Cientos de millones en recuperaciones
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We Work With Public Adjusters on Your Property Damage Claim

If you file a homeowners insurance claim after your home has suffered damage, the insurance company should send out a claims adjuster. After a large-scale storm event, such as a hail storm, wind storm, tropical storm or hurricane, there aren’t enough claims adjusters to go around, which means temporary or out-of-state insurance adjusters are brought in to pick up the slack.

These claims adjusters aren’t always thoroughly trained or familiar with spotting or accurately pricing all types of damage, which sometimes results in policyholders getting shortchanged on their insurance claim settlement offer.

Public insurance adjusters are adept at helping analyze a property’s damage and can provide a second opinion on the extent of damage and what the homeowners policy covers. They are not employees of your insurance company, so they won’t have an incentive to undervalue your claim.

 No nos debe honorarios ni costos a menos que ganemos su caso

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Hurricanes form over warm ocean waters and turn into large swirling storms. They can produce winds of 74 miles per hour or higher. When a hurricane forms, their winds can damage buildings and trees. Heavy rain also occurs during a hurricane, which can cause flooding.

Tormenta de viento

A windstorm is a storm with heavy winds but little or no rain. Windstorms can last for a few minutes, a few hours or even several days. Their winds can go as fast as 33 miles per hour or more. Windstorms can produce power outages and falling trees, often leading to property damage.

Daños por agua

Water can cause serious damage to property and create the perfect environment for the growth of toxic mold that poses a serious health risk and renders the premises unusable. Insurance policies routinely cover water damage, but often exempt flood damage from coverage.

Daños en el techo

Los daños en el tejado pueden deberse a varios factores. Un mantenimiento deficiente, el paso del tiempo, las tormentas o simplemente una temporada tras otra de viento y lluvia normales pueden convertir un daño menor en un problema mayor. Los fuertes vientos y huracanes suelen provocar daños en los tejados de Florida.

Burst Pipes

Burst pipes are very common at home and in public areas. Pipes can burst for a variety of reasons, ranging from age and damage to freezing temperatures or misuse. A burst pipe can damage your property and lead to mold growth that is expensive to repair, especially if flooding damages the flooring, walls, furniture or personal belongings in a structure.


A flood is a natural event where a piece of land that is usually dry suddenly gets submerged under water. Flooding can occur from excessive rainfall, burst pipes, storm surge and overflow of lakes or other bodies of water, sometimes resulting in property and home damage.


Lightning occurs when a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage occurs between a cloud and the ground. Lightning that hits near populated areas can cause fires, building damage, appliance damage and in some cases, severe injuries.


Vandalism occurs when an individual destroys or damages public or private property. Vandalism can take many forms, from spray painting graffiti to keying vehicles and everything in between.

Daño por fuego

Fire damage is damage caused to a building or other property during the course of a fire. The effects of fire damage can be devastating and far-reaching. Fires often lead to smoke damage, potentially water damage from firefighting efforts and extensive property damage. The subsequent water damage can also lead to mold growth and other issues associated with flooding, which can be expensive to repair.

Daño por humo

Los daños causados por el humo pueden ser devastadores para la propiedad personal, dejando marcas negras y decoloración en las paredes y techos de las propiedades afectadas. El hollín es el residuo que deja el humo y puede impregnar una casa o negocio, así como todas las pertenencias del inmueble.

Daños por terremoto

Earthquakes, aftershocks and ground vibrations from construction can wreak havoc, causing foundation and wall cracks, breaking windows, knocking over and destroying personal property and making a mess of your home.

Sirviendo a toda Florida

Kanner & Pintaluga brinda representación en casos de lesiones personales y daños a la propiedad en toda Florida, que incluye:

Boca Ratón
Playa de Delray
Pie. Lauderdale
Pie. miers