Has Your Home Suffered Quarry Blasting Damage?

Have unexplained cracks been appearing in your drywall, patio or ceiling? Are you discovering new foundation or roof damage? Blasting shockwaves can travel miles through the ground, shaking and damaging solid structures.

The Vulcan Miami Quarry is one of nine Miami-Dade quarries with active blasting permits. Blasting shockwaves can impact properties several miles away. Although quarry companies insist their blasting is within the safety ranges required by government and municipal officials, many residents disagree.

Types of Home Damage From Quarry Blasting

  • Drywall damage
  • Foundation damage
  • Roof damage
  • Electrical damage
  • Plumbing damage
  • Patio damage
  • Personal property damage

Where is the Vulcan Miami Quarry Located?

The Vulcan Miami Quarry is located near NW 25th Street and 117th Avenue in the western Miami metro area.

12201 NW 25th Street

Miami, FL 33182

There are many neighborhoods nearby, including Sweetwater, Tamiami, Doral and Fontainebleau.

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Nearby Zip Codes That Might Be Affected by Quarry Blasting

While there are other explanations for property damage, it is not unheard of for construction, mining or quarry blasting to be contributing factors. Some of the zip codes within the potential vibration radius of the Vulcan Miami Quarry include:

  • 33182
  • 33192
  • 33194
  • 33184
  • 33174
  • 33164
  • 33174
  • 33172
  • 33178

Answers to Florida Quarry Blasting Questions

Residents of west-central Miami aren’t alone in their concerns about quarry blasting and home damage. People living in other communities have had similar concerns about Vulcan Materials blasting.

Some residents of Tarrant, Alabama, who live within a half-mile of a Vulcan Materials’ quarry have complained of the earthquake-like effects of blasting.

When local reporters brought resident concerns to the company in April 2021, Vulcan’s representatives used a refrain that will be all too familiar to residents of Miami – there’s usually “a different explanation other than our blasting.”

Residents in Rock Hill, South Carolina have made similar complaints against the company in August 2019, alleging damage to their homes due to quarry blasting.

There’s also a lawsuit from 1999 brought against Vulcan Materials Company by property owners in Richmond County, North Carolina. The plaintiffs alleged nuisance and trespassing by the company due to the quarry’s production of excess dust, flying rocks, noise and blasting shocks. However, the company was granted a summary judgement on the trespass claim regarding damage. The court determined the plaintiffs failed to show the blasting was the probable cause of their home damage.

The common defense from quarry companies in nearly every story you’ll read about quarry blasting is, “We’re abiding by state and county guidelines and requirements.” That doesn’t necessarily mean homes and nearby residents aren’t being affected by quarry blasting.

If you live near the Miami Vulcan Quarry and you’re concerned blasting shockwaves are damaging your home, Kanner & Pintaluga is here to assist. Our team will listen to your concerns, send analysts to assess your home damage and help you understand your options.

Blasting damage should be covered under most Florida homeowners polices.

In April 2022, a Miami-Dade jury sided with a homeowner who took their insurer to court after their blasting damage claim was denied. The family was awarded a $62,000 verdict.

Foundation, wall, plumbing and roof damage can be extraordinarily expensive to repair. Homeowners in Miami may be forced to pay for those repairs out of pocket if the insurance company refuses to honor their quarry blasting damage claim.

If you’ve had your quarry blasting damage claim denied, contact our team. We’ll analyze your situation at no cost to you.

Has Your Home Been Damaged by Quarry Blasting in Miami-Dade County?

Kanner & Pintaluga’s Property Damage Attorneys Are Here for You
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